Theremin Center Moscow Laptop Orchestra is a net of spatially separated mobile workstations, having local sound and integrated into wifi network. It explores all sorts of interaction between players, algorithms, sensors, environments and audiences. It is an 'open source', improvised and highly integrated sonic environment, created by musicians, artists and programmers.

Although CybOrk programs contain pre-composed and structured music, the core esthetics is based on Cyber-Jam idea -- free improvised session, based on exploration of some predetermined common algorithms, when no other formal sonic, compositional or genre boundaries are fixed, no rules of acting are applied. There is only an entry point that triggers adventurous search for constantly changing identity evolving in common time and place, resulting in a self-generative and self-organizing sounding and visual textures raveling and unraveling, fraying and renewing back producing a rich palette of clippings, raw digits, dense overdriven noises, deep drones or skipping solos. Andrey Smirnov Lubov Pchelkina Viktor Chernenko Alexander Kulagin Dmitry Savinov Alexey Petrov Dmitry Baikov
Dmitry Subochev Artem Rukovichkin
Alexander Zenko Eugeny Kuzmin