




1.Adenosine diphosphate ribosylation of adenyl cyclase and activation of Gs

→Vibrio cholerae toxin:"rice-water" diarrhea.

Inhibition of Gi→Bordetella pertussis toxin:flu-like symptoms

2.anemia of chronic disease(ACD):cytokine-mediated dysregulation of iron metabolism.

ACD is usually normocytic (25% of cases are microcytic).


3.Adverse effects of fibrates include cholesterol gallstones, myositis, and hepatotoxicity

4.Digoxin inhibits Na+/K+ ATPase.:uses adenosine triphosphate to extrude three Na+ ions out of the cell for every two K+ ions brought into the cell. 


→ジゴキシンで障害されると細胞内のナトリウム濃度上昇→細胞内カルシウムを細胞外へ汲み出すNa+/Ca2+ exchangerの作用低下→→細胞内でのCa2イオン濃度上昇→→cardiac contractility

5.【Müllerian agenesis】:primary amenorrhea, absent or underdeveloped uterus, and a blind vaginal pouch.
Müllerian agenesis is caused by the absence of the paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct in utero.

6.【Androgen receptor defect】 leading to androgen insensitivity.

7.【Bloom syndrome】,defective DNA repair

・characterized by a long, narrow face with an underdeveloped malar region, along with redness and telangiectasia in a butterfly distribution on the cheeks and nose, exacerbated by sun exposure

Patients have short stature, skin hyper- and hypopigmentation, and café-au-lait spots

・associated with an increased risk for malignancies such as leukemia and lymphoma.

8.【Hartnup disease】deficiency of neutral amino acid transport in the brush-border membrane of the small intestine and the proximal tubule of the kidney

→decreased absorption of tryptophan and subsequent deficiency of vitamin B3.

It presents with glossitis, as well as diarrheadementia, and photosensitive dermatitis

9.【Xeroderma pigmentosum】

photosensitivity and increased lentigines and ephelides. 

It is the result of a defect impairing the cell’s ability to repair damage from ultraviolet radiation.

10.Osimertinib: irreversible epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) 

tyrosine kinase inhibitor that binds to select mutant forms of EGFR common to some tumor cells.

11.Bortezomib inhibits the function of proteasomes, interfering with regulation of protein homeostasis within the cell.


12.Vinblastine binds to tubulin and inhibits microtubule assembly and arrests cells at metaphase.

13.Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody raised against the CD20 antigen on the surface of B lymphocytes. Antigen binding blocks cell cycle initiation and activates complement-dependent B-cell cytotoxicity.

14.Erlotinib reversibly inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor (HER1/EGFR) tyrosine kinase activity, with highest binding to mutant forms common to some tumor cells.

15.Uncal herniation is characterized by CN III palsy and fixed and dilated pupil. 

16.Estrogen increases hepatic synthesis of TBG, leading to increased total T3/T4 levels but normal free T3, T4, and TSH, with no thyroid symptoms. 


prolactin-induced milk production and hypoestrogenism secondary to prolactin suppression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
Women with hypoestrogenism are at increased risk for oligo/amenorrhea, anovulation, decreased bone density and osteoporosis, and vaginal atrophy.

18.Amphetamines such as dextroamphetamine can cause serotonin syndrome

19.Epinephrine stimulates glucagon secretion and provides energy substrate for the fight-or-flight response.

Norepinephrine acts to stimulate glucagon secretion and provides energy substrate for the fight-or-flight response.


20.Insulin secretion is stimulated by hyperglycemia, but also by fatty acids and amino acids in the blood, incretins (eg, glucagon-like peptide 1), gastrointestinal inhibitory peptide, and some antidiabetic drugs like sulfonylureas. 

Incretins are released from gut enteroendocrine cells after eating and augment islet cell secretion of insulin.

21.poison ivy:type IV hypersensitivity reaction(allergic contact dermatitis)

triggers differentiation of CD4+ T lymphocytes into T-helper type 1 lymphocytes.
