

・The patient’s tyrosinase deficiency→extreme photosensitivity, and high risk for sunburn are clear indicators of albinism.




Surface ectoderm:皮膚、下垂体前葉

Neural tube:脳、脊髄、下垂体後葉

Neural crest:PNS、メラノサイト


single stranded positive sense RNA viruses without an envelope (naked)


・Infection with arbovirus, an enveloped positive sense ssRNA, is seen in all age groups; however symptoms are more severe in the elderly and immunocompromised. 

Arboviruses are transmitted via blood transfusions and mosquito vectors; birds and horses are also hosts.

• アルボウイルスはRNAウイルス。高齢者、免疫抑制者では重症。輸血や蚊の媒介で感染。


• Meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis, a gram-negative diplococcus, is more often seen in teens/young adults in tight quarters (e.g., on college campuses). It is a more severe form of meningitis than is seen in this patient, with labs that would be similar to S. pneumoniae.

• ナイセリアグラム陰性双球菌は10代若者に多い。ウイルス性より重症感あり。

• ラボデータは肺炎球菌と似ている


・Infection with HSV-2, an enveloped double-stranded DNA with glycoprotein, would be more pronounced in the early days of life and causes a very severe form of meningoencephalitis (as opposed to meningitis).

• HSV2はenveloped double-stranded DNA with glycoprotein。

• 乳児期に感染し髄膜脳炎をきたす。


・Borreliosis, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete transmitted by ticks, would yield similar laboratory concentrations (elevated lymphocytes, normal glucose) to those associated with viral infection and meningitis. 






ImipenemイミペネムはMRSA、Enterococcus faecium, or Staphylococcus epidermidis.には効果なし。




・A systolic blood pressure >185/90 mmHg is a contraindication for tPA therapy.

tPA禁忌に高血圧 185/90以上。

他には3ヶ月以内の 脳卒中、頭部外傷、18歳以上80歳未満、INR>1.7。




・A nucleoside analog that must be activated by viral thymidine kinase is famciclovir, which is the primary treatment for herpes zoster infection. 



・Deficiency in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylases leads to the buildup of phenylalanine and PKU. A more severe form, malignant PKU, occurs when BH4, a cofactor for phenylalanine hydroxylase, is absent.

フェニルケトン尿症はphenylalanine hydroxylaseの欠損。


・Branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase deficiency is associated with maple syrup urine disease, manifesting with severe neurodegenerative effects, sweet-smelling odorous urine, and lethargy; cutaneous symptoms like the patient’s are not seen.




・Alkaptonuria, caused by deficient homogentisate oxidase, manifests with darkening of skin and urine that turns black on standing, but no developmental delay or eczematous skin rash.




• 100万人に0.1-10人
