



jkondo http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jkondo/20060309/1141854352

naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

kasawaki http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

神泉ではたらく社長 http://ameblo.jp/usami/entry-10009973988.html

小林雅のブログ http://venturecapital.typepad.jp/blog/2006/03/etech__cb7f.html

健康とECのブログ http://www.kenko.com/blog/genri/2006/03/etech2006.html

CNET(ニュース) http://japan.cnet.com/news/biz/story/0,2000050156,20098158,00.htm


Designing the Next Generation of Web Apps Time: 8:30AM - 12:00PM
Location: Elizabeth Ballroom C

Jeffrey Veen , Director of Product Design, Adaptive Path
Jesse James Garrett , Director of User Experience Strategy, Adaptive Path

・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000152.html

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

From Coder to Co-Founder: How to Move from Engineering to Entrepreneuring Time: 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Location: Elizabeth Ballroom A

Marc Hedlund , Entrepreneur-in-residence, O'Reilly Media

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

Scaling Fast and Cheap - How We Built Flickr Time: 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Location: Elizabeth F

Cal Henderson , Lead Developer, Flickr/Yahoo!

・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000150.html

・windchase http://windchase.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/08/32.html


Welcome and Announcements
Rael Dornfest , CTO, O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Simple Bridge-building
Ray Ozzie , CTO, Microsoft

・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000153.html

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ajiyoshi/20060310/p2

・小林雅のブログ http://venturecapital.typepad.jp/blog/2006/03/etech_ray_ozzie_a94f.html

・naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

・神泉ではたらく社長のブログ http://ameblo.jp/usami/entry-10009889639.html

・ITMEDIA http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kawasaki/20060309/1141886432

The Future of Interfaces Is Multi-Touch
Jeff Han , Research Scientist, NYU's Department of Computer Science
・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000156.html

Artificial, Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and What It Means for the Web
Download presentation file

L. F. (Felipe) Cabrera, Ph.D. , Lead Technical Executive, Amazon Web Services

・naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

The Economics of Attention: A Layman's View of the Economic Model of Attention
David L. Sifry , Founder and CEO, Technorati, Inc.

・kawasaki http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kawasaki/20060309/1141886432

Putting the Fun in Functional: Applying Game Design to Mobile Services
Amy Jo Kim , Creative Director, Shufflebrain

・たたみラボ  http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000157.html

・naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

・Windchase http://windchase.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/08/34.html

Do-it-yourself IT: Sponsored by IBM Time: 1:45PM - 2:30PM
Rod Smith , IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM/Internet Emerging Technology

・小林雅のぶろぐ http://venturecapital.typepad.jp/blog/2006/03/etec__3ca4.html

Auditory Interfaces for Small Screen Data Representation Time: 2:35PM - 3:20PM
Michael Jefferson , Interactive Media Consultant & Graduate Student, NYU Interactive Telecommunications Progtam (ITP)
Spencer Kiser

・Windchase http://windchase.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/08/34.html

Building a Participation Platform: Yahoo! Web Services Past, Present, and Future Time: 2:35PM - 3:20PM
Jeffrey McManus , Director, Yahoo! Developer Network

・神泉ではたらく社長のブログ http://ameblo.jp/usami/entry-10009889639.html

Secure Syndication Time: 3:50PM - 4:35PM
Location: Elizabeth Ballroom C

Joe Gregorio , AtomPub Workgroup

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ajiyoshi/20060310/p3

eBay Web Services: A Marketplace Platform for Fun and Profit Time: 3:50PM - 4:35PM
Location: Elizabeth F

Adam Trachtenberg , Senior Manager of Platform Evangelism, eBay

・kawasaki http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kawasaki/20060308/1141777776

・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000155.html

Blue Chip Products: 2006 Report Card Time:
Joel Spolsky , Fog Creek Software, Inc.

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ajiyoshi/20060310/p5

Search and the Network Effect: Sponsored by Microsoft
Christopher Payne , Corporate Vice President, MSN Search, Microsoft, Inc.
Frederick Savoye

・たたみラボ http://www.tatamilab.jp/rnd/archives/000154.html

Turing's Cathedral Time:
George Dyson , Historian of Technology

・Windchase http://windchase.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/09/35.html

After AJAX: Low-latency Data to (and from) the Browser
Alex Russell , Project Lead, JotSpot

・ふっかつのじゅもんがちがいます http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ajiyoshi/20060310/p4

・naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

・windchase http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

Web Apps Without the Web
Steve Yen , CEO & Founder, TrimPath

・naoya http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20060310/1141945040

The Ning Playground: A Springboard for New Social Software
Yoz Grahame , Developer Advocate, Ning
David Sklar , Software Architect, Ning, Inc.

・J0hn D0e http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j0hn/20060311/1142050364

Shut Up! No, *You* Shut Up: A Pattern Language for Moderation Strategies
Location: Elizabeth Ballroom ABCD

Clay Shirky , Decentralization Writer/Consultant, shirky.com

・小林雅のブログ http://venturecapital.typepad.jp/blog/2006/03/etech_the_futur_3c7e.html

・Windchase http://windchase.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/08/32.html