One benefit of digital communication is its permanency. Whenever you communicate with a company over email, you have a hard record of the exchange. Then, in case of fraud or other foul play, you have some proof of the abuse. Phone calls normally aren’t like this.

Once a phone conversation is over, there’s no way to prove anything about the conversation between the two parties. However, it’s not hard to start recording your calls on Android. You might want to do so for convenience (so you don’t forget what favor your friend asked you) or security (so you have a record of everything you discuss on the phone).

Let’s take a look at some apps that allow you to record calls, and find which one is the best for your needs. Note that most of these have similar names, and we performed testing by calling an automated weather service.Before we begin, it’s important to note that recording calls is a thorny legal issue in many areas. It’s beyond the scope of this article to summarize every law on this matter, but suffice it to say that you should do your research to make sure you aren’t doing anything illegal in your area. Wikipedia’s entry on call recording is a good starting point.

In the USA, most states require that at least one party in a phone call be notified about the recording. Because of this, nearly every company will notify you of a call’s recording when you call in for support. Be sure that any recording you plan to do is legal before proceeding.

True to its name, Automatic Call Recorder will grab all calls without your intervention. It allows you to add notes about the call so you can easily remember what a recording contains, and even lets you ignore certain contacts if you don’t want to record those calls. A $7 Pro upgrade removes the ads and gives some additional recording options.

In our test recording, this app didn’t sound good at first. Our side of the call was clear, but there was static throughout the recording and you could barely hear the other party. We tried the Voice Call and Voice Communication options in both AMR and WAV formats, and both sounded poor.

When we made a call using speakerphone, the recording sounded much better and was certainly loud enough. Thus, the free version of this app is fine for most people — just make sure you’re using speakerphone to record.