So many products are made out of our country these days. oakley sunglasses online However, one of our favorite brands of designer eyewear is made right here in Massachusetts! Randolph Engineering was founded in Randolph, Massachusetts in 1972 and remains there to this day! The company is most well known for their aviator sunglasses US fighter pilots have been wearing for almost forty years!These aviator sunglasses were invented by Jan Waszkiewicz. As Oakley Hijinx Sunglasses the current CEO of Randolph Engineering, his son, Peter Waszkiewicz, is proud to keep his company in the US. When Randolph was first founded, 90% of eyewear was made in the United States and at the moment only 3% of designer frames are currently produced here!While most companies took their production overseas, Randolph kept their company in the US. Waszkiewicz is thrilled Oakley Scalpel Sunglasses to have stayed right where his father built the company. “We stayed. … And we love it and we’re on the forefront of bringing optical manufacturing back to this country” he said.Putting the “Made in the USA” stamp on their eyewear is only one of the perks of their high quality production. “We’re well-known for our quality and are so confident, we’ll guarantee our frames for life” said Waszkiewicz.Oakleys Outlet