Description: HairerSoft, Amadeus Lite, Audio, Multimedia Design, 17408 KB


Amadeus Lite allows you to use your Mac for any audio-related task, such as live audio recording, digitizing tapes and records, converting between a variety of sound formats (including MP3, MP4, AIFF, WAVE, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis), remastering your iTunes music library, etc. Thanks to its outstanding direct-to-disk abilities and waveform caching, edits on arbitrarily large sounds are performed at lightning speed. The handling of large sounds is furthermore facilitated by the extensive support of markers. While Amadeus Lite features a number of built-in audio effects (equalizer, speed and pitch change, echo, etc), its abilities can be extended arbitrarily by the support of Audio Units.

Best! version nQMI.v.2.4.5.Amadeus.Lite.tar.gz (19496 kb)
Recomended! version (19671 kb)
Recomended to OS X byv-vers-2.7.3-amadeus-lite.pkg (19148 kb)
Featured! version 9kq_amadeus_lite_vers.2.5.4.tar.gz (13926 kb)

Official site:
Serial key

Featured Mac mini 2qo2-ver-3.0-Touch-Bar-Piano.tar.gz (2900 kbytes) 1.2
Recomended to iMac Pro (19769 kbytes) 2.3.22
Updated MacBook Pro VER._5.14.2_OMNIWEB_3ZJZ.APP (30643 kbytes) 5.11.6
Updated version v.1.2_Themes_Box_for_iWeb_tcUCE.dmg (80256 kbytes) 2.0
Best! version Meetings.vers.1.3.cPL.pkg (24046 kbytes) 2.2
Recomended! version (4746 kbytes) 2.2

[14970 kbytes] Download 2.4.3 AMADEUS LITE I1D2 2.7.3 Best 10.11.5
[14448 kbytes] Download Amadeus Lite 2.5.2 kOE 2.4.3 MacBook Air
[17059 kbytes] Get 8xpu9y vers.2.4 Amadeus Lite 2.5.7 Recomended! version
[16537 kbytes] Get YTKY AMADEUS LITE VER. 2.4.1 3.5.3 Featured on MacBook