日本の野生動物のシカ しか 鹿の虐殺を止めて

Please stop the genocide of the wild Sika deer

生息数は、お お よ そ 200万頭なので、非常に高い捕獲圧がかけられている。 

In recent years, the number of deer has increased in Japan, so the government is focusing on killing them.
That astonishing number is, about 720,000 heads per year (2.1 deer per square kilometer).
Due to their present population being about 2 million, an extreme pressure has been applied for their capture, and although disgraceful, it's still one of the best in the world.
Traps are used more than guns, some inhuman ones that involve legs being entangled in wires, and traps that lure a large number of deer into a large enclosure by using bait to ensnare them, are the most often used methods. There are no laws or regulations on culling after capture, and most are slaughtered inhumanely






The government has budgeted heavily for this project, which is an attractive source of income for those involved in the killing, and as a result, overhunting has escalated for approximately the last 10 years. 

The primary reason for the killing was due to crop damage, however, fences around fields are now becoming more widespread, reducing damage to crops on a large scale. 

Furthermore, the government says that deer eating natural vegetation in grasslands, forests and high mountains is a destruction of nature, as well as traffic accidents caused by or related to deer are other reasons for killings. The government has not indicated to what level they are trying to reduce these damages by, or what target population of deer they are aiming for.

Despite their vague management plan, they have directed a lot of effort into the meat industry, in an attempt to convert deer into money, all the while, promoting mass killings. However, since venison does not fit into the eating habits of Japanese people, much of the meat goes to dog food industry.


There are only four species of large wild mammals in Japan, and the Japan Sika deer is one of them, so I and many others wish to preserve them. In the past, overhunting caused a sharp decline for about 80 years starting around 1880. The government has a responsibility to ensure that such delicate wild animals can live in nature and coexist with people. Therefore, the current mass slaughtering must stop. In addition, the traps used impose brutal suffering, the culling, and other acts of annihilation such as the hunting with guns, inflict unnecessarily pain and suffering leading Japan to be strongly criticized by the countries around the world.
