Album:Flower Buster
Original melody:彼岸帰航 ~Riverside View

It's the world woerks so hard
It's the world works too much
You're just living in such a crazy world
On the way to the end
You're close to the end
Oh, foolish guy, you are !!

These days, cause of death,
Suicidal works kill time and time again
I'm so busy to ferry them across
When can I take break time?

Won't you give up your work , or give up your life
Oh, you can choose the way you wanna go now
Hey, give up your work, it's the hardest enjoyin'life of yours
’Cuz the work I must do, It'd depend on your death
Never enlarge my work anymore
Sorry, but, I just don’t worry'bout your little happy life


I don't want to work more
Now I want to sleep more
I'm bored to see the dark face people now
Want a lazy day more
Want a hazy day more
How wonderful, the life

These days, cause of death,
Suicidal works kill time and time again
I'm so busy to ferry them across
When can I take break time?

Won't you give up your work , or give up your life
Oh, you can choose the way you wanna go now
Hey, give up your work, it's the hardest enjoyin'life of yours
’Cuz the work I must do, It'd depend on your death
Never enlarge my work anymore
Sorry, but, I just don’t worry'bout your little happy life

These days, cause of death,
Suicidal works kill time and time again
I'm so busy to ferry them across
When can I take break time?

Won't you give up your work , or give up your life
Oh, you can choose the way you wanna go now
Hey, give up your work, it's the hardest enjoyin'life of yours
’Cuz the work I must do, It'd depend on your death
Never enlarge my work anymore
Sorry, but, I just don’t worry'bout your little happy life
