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archeage power levelingのブログ


WOW Power LEveling
that most people will likely keep it as is given that the "about halfway up" default is probably fine for most Another useful feature: If you hold down the space bar and slide left or right the cursor moves within the last typed word which comes in handy for fixing typos quickly The keyboard is also meant to wow power leveling warlords of draenor learn your tap habits so that if you keep thumbing "U" when you mean "I" it'll figure that out and fix those taps for you automatically It's hard to see if this is really happening with any consistency I'm a swipe-input (or "Path" as LG calls it) kinda guy anyway so this feature won't be wow power leveling of much use if that's your preference (or if you prefer another third-party keyboard) Still it's nice to know LG is trying to improve the experienceCameraI already touched on the camera UI Basically what you need to know is that the default UI is extremely minimal Android's menu ellipses are in one corner and a back button can be found diagonally opposite Give the screen a tap and boom