Uehonmachi Watanabe Clinic 

osaka travel clinic corona PCR covid19 


The examination will be conducted from Monday to Saturday.
Results will be given on the Same-day
Same-day reservation possible
Uehonmachi Watanabe Clinic Corona PCR
Please make a reservation by phone or email.


[Nasopharyngeal swab method by a skilled doctor]
real time RT-PCR test + IgM + antibody test
Examination + Negative certificate (English or Japanese)
40,000 yen + consumption tax

TEL: 06-6772-0075
E-mail: reservation@uehonmachi.jp
Uehonmachi Watanabe Medical Clinic.
# Own expense




















所在地 :〒543-0037 大阪市天王寺区上之宮町1-15

TEL   :06-6772-0075

FAX   :06-6772-0083

診療時間:午前  9:00~12:00 月・火・水・木・金・土

     午後 16:00~19:00 月・火・木・金

     休診 水曜日午後・土曜日午後・日曜日・祝祭日


[List of 100 countries / regions on 5 continents] Travel record of Uehonmachi Watanabe Clinic using swab method corona real time RT-PCR reports

■ Asia

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Yemen, Iraq, Islamic Iran, India, Indonesia, Qatar, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, Singapore, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Thailand Kingdom, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Republic of Tajikistan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Turkey, Japan, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Bahrain, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Republic of Philippines, Kingdom of Bhutan, Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam , Hong Kong, Malaysia, Federal Republic of Myanmar, Republic of Maldives, Mongolia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates

■ Africa

Republic of Uganda, Republic of Egypt and Arab, Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Zambia, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Djibouti, Republic of Zimbabwe, Republic of Seychelles, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Central Africa, Republic of Tunisia , Republic of Nigeria, Republic of Namibia, Republic of Botswana, Republic of Madagascar, Republic of South Africa, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of Mauritius, Republic of Islamic Mauritania, Republic of Mozambique, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Liberia, Republic of Rwanda

■ Europe

Ireland, Albania, Italy, Ukraine, Austria, Netherlands, Greece, Greenland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany Republic, Hungary, Finland, France, Belgium, Poland, Malta, Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation

■ North America

United States, Canada, Guam, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Hawaii, Mexico United States

■ South America

Republic of Argentina, Republic of Chile, Republic of Paraguay, Federal Republic of Brazil, Republic of Peru, Multi-ethnic countries of Bolivia

■ Oceania

Australian Federation, Tahiti, Republic of Palau

Results will be given on the Same-day

Same-day reservation possible

Uehonmachi Watanabe Clinic Corona PCR

Please make a reservation by phone or email.




# Own expense
