1177. The Olympic Truce. オリンピック休戦

Long long ago, in ancient Greece which was the birthplace of the Olympic Games, there were many wars between city-states, but during the Olympic Games, an Olympic Truce was decided for three months.

The modern Olympic Truce is an international agreement to a truce during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, even if there is a war or conflict.

That was adopted as a UN resolution in 1993, and it has been in effect since the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Today, this Olympic truce is not well-known.

Russia has broken this Olympic truce three times in the past by taking military action.

Now, the Paris Olympic Games are being held, but unfortunately, there are wars and conflicts here and there all over the World.

The Olympic Games are called the "Festival of Peace," but actually, it is a festival in name only.

But we are sometimes glued to by climax scene.


adopted 採択される glued 釘付け