1147. The first foreign movie. 初めての洋画

A long time ago, when I moved from the countryside to Kyoto city, I went to see an American film with my brother.

The title was "The Spirit of St. Louis" by James Stewart, which is called 「翼よ! あれが巴里の灯だ」in Japanese.

This story was the first solo transatlantic flight (大西洋単独無着陸飛行) by Charles Lindbergh. リンドバーグ

The screen was a widescreen called CinemaScope, and the sound was solid, in color film, in English of course.

That was the first time experience for me, the film ended within a surprise.

I understood at the time the difference between the countryside and the town.

James Stewart was the supernational hero in the USA at that time, I like his films such as グレン・ミラー物語 (The Glenn Miller Story), 裏窓 (Rear Window), and so on.