1136. High School Baseball. 高校野球

The National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament is over.

But this time it was not interesting for me.

The quality of the bat changed to low rebound, which means the ball doesn't fly very far.

As a result, only two balls went over the outfield fence in 31 games.

In the past,  the highest number of home runs was 30 in 2022, and the average was around 20.

And many games ended with low scores.

Simple baseball, with free time for the outfielder, is not interesting.

I have thought that the real pleasure of high school baseball is a battle with slug vs defense.

The people involved should rethink this.


Invitational 招待者  low rebound 低反発 slug 強打 outfielder 外野手 

people involved 関係者