"Read [Book] The Path to Private Practice: A Roadmap for Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists Considering Private Practice

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The Path to Private Practice: A Guide to Starting a Successful Speech or Occupational Therapy Private Practice&quot is a comprehensive guide for speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists who are considering starting a full or part-time private practice.The author covers essential topics such as finding clients, increasing income and financial stability, creating a balanced work schedule, and reigniting a professional passion. The book offers practical advice for those at any stage of their careers, and provides insights into the growing &quotPrivate Practice Movement&quot. By the end of this empowering guide, readers will have a clear roadmap of what it takes to build a private practice that aligns with their personal and professional goals. Whether seeking to leave a legacy or make a difference, &quotThe Path to Private Practice&quot is an essential resource for speech and occupational therapy providers who aspire to be in private practice.