MY memory | Goukkunのブログ



I am 68 years old. So far, after graduating from medical school, as a surgeon, I would like to become better at surgery, while doing research on basic immune medicine for four years.


After having been various, open a doctor's clinic , watch many patients, and while living in the rough waves of society, one day you become a malignant lymphoma, the belly is full of lymphomas, and the kidney is crushed on the left , Right become hydronephrosis, chemotherapy (CHOP therapy) does not cure completely at that time ,and so I imported Rituxan, which was used at that time, from the United States. 


I searched for other treatments, and I searched not only Japan but also various treatments in the world to cure myself. Thanks to that, the disease has settled down and 12 years have passed. 



After that, mother's care, patient treatment, establishment of other hospitals. 

  Due to stress, sudden presentation, heart stop,then resuscitation.So, the thing I was most afraid of was the insertion of an instrument called ICD(Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) that I did not apply. Because I should pay attention to my condition was to put in foreign bodies in my body,but it was done against the intention of oneself. and so I told to main doctor several times to remove it, but It was refusing .At last one years later 、a nasty, something to avoid happened that is lead line infection of the ICD  was occurred , sepsis, lung abscess, and shock In order to get in a state, somehow heal, I overcame the opposition of my doctor and forcedly changed the hospital and and then removed ICD successfully.....then saved my life.


However, due to immune depression due to sepsis, cancer recurrenced. Self-administered sebalin(Iburitumomab Tiuxetan)therapy.

Then,it became safe and steady, …….but the subsequent cytokine storm caused heart failure,…..It was also overcome. 

These various trials were painful, however, due to these unexpected, there was also a present. It is the eyes of looking at the patient as a doctor and the therapy of the patient's position of the patient who was going to recover the life. 


The impression is that only doctors do not know their illness. The world has expanded by becoming a patient and learning about the world's medical care.

 One of my approaches is to capture the human body as energy, not as chemical, and to find a cure. I 've had many several experiences by them. It was lucky foundation for me.