「日本兵が1000人強姦⁉」「脇腹蹴って生死判別」小説を信じた世界中 | アトリエ画譜(えふ) 【旧コロナラボ】マルチアナリスト画譜のブログ】

アトリエ画譜(えふ) 【旧コロナラボ】マルチアナリスト画譜のブログ】


. 事実解明は難しいです、 マッカーサーが 戦争記述の文献を






南京事件で不適切授業 (産経新聞 - 09月19日 00:06) http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?media_id=133&from=diary&id=3058959

小説家が書いた バッドジョークなフィクションを信じた人が多く、




日本政府の 河野洋平首相が死刑になってもおかしく無い程



各国に何千億円も 賠償してきました、


   牧野行雄 名寄市在中







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にほんブログ村  にほん写真日記ブログ村


にほん幼児ブログ村     お願いします。クリック

The facts are hard to figure out, macarthur wrote the literature on war descriptions.

It was incinerated one after another.

Previous description

2014-09-19 11:57. ♦ "Japanese soldiers 1000 rape", "waki-kicking life and death discrimination" in the Nanjing incident inappropriate lesson sin in the Nanjing incident [ Sankei Shimbun - 09/19 00:06 ]
http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?media_id=133&from=diary&id=3058959 many people who believed in the bad joke fiction written by the novelist, the Asahi Shimbun was also great to the other day was a big, the Asahi Shimbun was not an apology, executives executives are a big sin that could not be death.

Japanese Prime Minister Yohei Kono has made irresponsible statements without too much verification that could be put to death in the days of the Asahi Shimbun has compensated hundreds of billions of yen in various countries,

This is a contribution published in the Kitato Shimbun in Nayori City, Hokkaido.
   Special Contribution2
Yukio Makino in Nayori City
Nanjing Massacre
The present China was the head of state Chiang Kai-shek saying that the country of China,
Rohmibashi incident broke out, the war and the Japanese army becomes the Shina incident incident begins,
At that time, There were inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia in Mongolia,
Inner Mongolia was friendly with Japan in pro-Japanese, but Mongolia
Mao Zedong is the leader of the party in the industrial army.
They are mainly nomads and are good at horseback riding and shooting.
 The Japanese army struggles because it is accustomed to the mountainous region.
My fourth brother was killed in The Showa Era 16 in Ohara, Shanxi Province. 。
It was a carp noboru (later Asahikawa 7th Division head).
They say they're bandits.
It is armed at night by farming in the appearance of a usual townspeople or farmers in daytime.
The war situation was written on the detail in my elder brother's pocketbook when becoming and the night attack was put.
In addition, 100 japanese troops killed in the attack
 It was robbed, and it was annihilated, and it was deprived of the car, and food.
According to Chinese media reports, the Nanjing Massacre and the Japanese army are innocent people (women and children)
I'm saying bad about the Japanese army that i slaughtered,
I think the soldiers did a little thing because ki was standing.
But genocide of hundreds of thousands of people is a lie,
Even if it is a Japanese soldier is secured by the military police immediately when the war subsides
 Those who committed indecent acts against the people were severely prosecuted.
After the end of the war Sobiet soldiers invaded from the full border,
I did obscenity to a Japanese woman and girl,
That's why the woman cut her head and painted her face with ink and pulled it off.
South Korean soldiers participated in the Vietnam War, assault of women,

We are genocide against the Vietnamese people.


I'll post a contribution 1.

「일본병은 1000명 강간」 「옆구리 차 생사 판별」

2014-09-19 21:31:56
테마:위험 인자 매스컴

. 사실 해명은 어렵습니다, 막카서가 전쟁 기술의 문헌을

차례차례 소각했습니다.

전기술 2014년 09월 19일11:57.

 ■「일본병은 1000명 강간」 「옆구리 차 생사 판별」남경 사건으로 부적절 수업(산케이신문- 09월 19일00:06) http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl ? media_id=133&from=diary&id=3058959 소설가가 쓴 배드 농담인 픽션을 믿은 사람이 대부분, 요전날 화제가 된 아사히 신문의 영향도 컸다, 아사히 신문은 사죄는 커녕, 간부 사원은 사형이 되어도 이상하지 않을 정도의 대죄. 일본 정부의 코노 요헤이 수상이 사형이 되어도 이상하지 않을 수록의 적당검증도 없고 무책임한 성명을 발표를 한 아사히 신문을 믿어 각국에 몇천억엔이나 배상해 온, 그 무렵,

이쪽은 홋카이도 나요로시의 호쿠토 신문에 게재된 기고

특별 기고 2
   마키노 유키오 나요로시 재중
 현재의 중국은 시나의 나라라고 해 국가원수 장개석인, 노구교 사건 발발, 중일전쟁이 되어 일본군과 전쟁이 첫만, 그 무렵 몽고에는 안몽고와 외몽고가 있어,
 안몽고는 친일파로 일본과 우호 관계였지만, 외몽고는 공산군에서 모택동이 당수이다.
 그들은 유목민이 주로 승마나 사격이 이익.
 산악 지대에도 길들어 있으므로 일본군은 고전한다.
  나의 4번째의 형(오빠)는 산서성 오오하라에서 쇼와 16년에 전사했습니다.리등(진하면) 부대( 후의 아사히카와 제7 사단장)였다.
 그들은 마적이라고 말하고,
 낮은 보통 읍민이나 농민의 모습으로 농사일등 해 밤이 되면 무장해 비적(비적)이 되어 야습을 걸쳐 오면 나의 형(오빠)의 수첩에 명세에 전황을 써 있었습니다.
 또, 일본군의 수송대가 습격에 합히 100명 전사, 자동차,  군대에서 사람과 말의 식량 (료 기다린다) 등 강탈되어 전멸 했다.
  중국 보도에 의하면 난징대학살과 일본군이 죄도 없는 인민(여자・아이까지)을 학살했다고 일본군을 나쁘게 말해 있지만,
 병사는 기가 서서 있었으니까 약간의 일은 했다고 사히마스.
그렇지만, 몇십만명의 인민을 대학살은 거짓말입니다,
 싸움이 다스려지면 직접적으로 헌병대에 의해 치안 되어 일본병이어도 인민에 대해서 추잡한 행위를 한 사람은 엄중처죄 되었다.
  종전 후 소비엣트병은 만국경으로부터 침입해, 일본인 부녀자에게 강행 외설을 한, 다른 때문, 여자는 머리를 베어 얼굴에 먹을 발라 돌아온, 역, 한국병은 베트남 전쟁 참전, 부녀 폭행, 베트남인을 대량 학살해 있습니다.


写真ブログ 村  にほん子育てブログ村← クリック

にほんブログ村  にほん写真日記ブログ村


にほん幼児ブログ村     お願いします。クリック


기고 1을 게재합니다.

점점 쇼와의 증인이 없어져서 갑니다,

Gradually, the witnesses of the Showa era are disappearing,
We must leave the truth of

MacArthur has written a document about war

Incinerated one after another.

Previous description

Sep 19, 2014 11:57.

 ■ "Japanese soldiers rape 1000 people" "Kick the flanks and discriminate between life and death" in the Nanjing case (Sankei Shimbun-September 19, 00:06) http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?media_id= 133 & from = diary & id = 3058959 Many people believed in bad joke fiction written by novelists, and the influence of the Asahi Shimbun, which became a hot topic the other day, was great. Asahi Shimbun is not an apology. About a great sin. The Japanese government's Prime Minister Yohei Kono has issued an irresponsible statement without irresponsible verification even when he was sentenced to death. Believing in the Asahi Shimbun, he has compensated each country for hundreds of billions of yen.

This is a contribution from the Hokuto Shimbun in Nayoro City, Hokkaido

Special contribution 2
Yukio Makino, located in Nayoro City
 Nanjing Massacre
 China today was the head country of China, saying China
 The Minamizobashi incident broke out, and it became a Chinese incident, and the war with the Japanese army began
At that time, Mongolia had Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia,
 Inner Mongolia was pro-Japanese and friendly with Japan.
 Mao Zedong is the leader of the industrial army.

Cars, foods, etc. were robbed and annihilated.
  According to Chinese reports, the Nanjing Massacre and the Japanese army innocent people (to women and children)
He says the Japanese army badly that he was slaughtered,
  I think that the soldier did a little because he was standing.
But slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people is a lie,
  Once the war is over,
Those who committed indecent acts against the people were severely executed.
  After the end of the war, Soviet soldiers invaded from the border,
  I forced a Japanese woman girl
  For that reason, the woman came to her head and brushed her face with ink.
  亦, Korean soldiers entered the Vietnam War, assaulted women,
I am a massacre of Vietnamese people.

At a later date,

Contribution 1 will be posted.

The Showa witnesses will gradually disappear,

You must leave the truth of the war that is alive.