Google has been testing the Google Shopping homepage since 2018 in the US. Its primary focus is on browsing and personalization. It is finally available for United States users now. When it comes to its announcement, it was announced in May this year. This page offers personalized suggestions to users on the basis of their activities. Users can now buy things directly via the Google site, retailers’ website, and more.

The tech giant will be offering the “Buy with Google Guarantee” option on specific items. However, a lot of people thought that Google would offer a warehouse service, but it is not true. If you don’t know about  “Buy with Google Guarantee,” it is destined to refund consumers if they will not receive the placed order on time. Other selected markets, such as France, were in the testing phase as well.

If we compare Google with Amazon, the latter is more shopping-based and ideal for users. Because of that, most of the companies are considering Amazon over Google, for ads. The retailers who partnered with Google usually do the product offerings, and they include renowned shopping platform such as Boxed, Costco, Target, Walmart, and Wholesale.

Those users who have access to their Google accounts can only use this exclusive platform. If any user is signed out, the basic search engine section of the Google Shopping will be displayed. Though, when users are signed in, they can access various categories and get ideal offers from the retailers. The interesting part of this new platform is personalized suggestions. For instance, if you have searched for shoes earlier, you might get the suggestion of shoes while you initially access this new platform.

Suggestions may vary, from time to time, though. Amazon yields different results altogether and shows products from competing brands as well. All in all, the look of this new Google Shopping platform is better and exciting. It is more organized than the Amazon platform as “Material Design” elements is featured. If you wish to explore cheap alternatives or “impulse buy” items, Amazon will be the best solution for you, though.

Google has already won the trust of millions of users worldwide, by offering outstanding services, and now it is likely to get better. If you are in the United States and haven’t used the Google Shopping feature till yet, you must use it.

Jack Tucker is a security expert and he writes about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and is working at

Source : Shopping Platform of Google