♪。funny love song - like absolute self

ahaha;; &&` i haven`t been on ameblo in FOREVER。( > д <)むかっ ! !

anyways it`s not like anyone reads this LOL。 ( ̄□ ̄;)

summer so far has been pretty boring ?!。。

not much to do except sit around the house &&` do nothing ahaha;;

but i was glad i was able to meet up with two old friends i haven`t seen in awhile。 ラブ ! !
i was surprised they actually remembered mii since we haven`t spoke for a long time。
(( even though i kinda felt left out when they were talking about school stuff (=◇=);; 。。))
sou-chan gave mii a cute cellphone holder。カエル全身:薄緑 ラブラブ ! !
she didn`t want it anymore since her phone was too big for it ( ̄∇ ̄ )
ahaha;; i hope we can all hang out again soon。きゃー ! !


((froggie cellphone holder maii friend gave mii))

i also got a new puppy too (`・ω・´)ゞ !
his name is kiwi。ラブ ~
i don`t think sachi &&` koji like him very much ( ° д ° )'' 。。
since they bark at him a lot ガクリ。。
ii`m sure they`ll get use to him somedaii lol。怒あせる
(( i hope so atleast 。。))

ahaha;; well this concludes todaii`s blog entry。~
i`ll try to post more stuff too。かお!
(( i know i keep saying that but i`ll try to post thing from time to time。むっ ))

g`nite。♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆ ! !