this week was the last week of school о( >▽<)y ☆ 。 ~ !

ii`m so happie。ニコちゃん !
four more school daiis &&` it`s gonna be S U M M E R x B R E A Kきゃー 晴れ ! !

i can`t wait o(゜∇゜*o)(o*゜∇゜)o~♪ !

todaii was reallie fun though。 !
went shopping at two asian markets。( ・ω ・)

the first one was at ichiban。お~ ~
i bought a kokeshi doll, anpan, green tea azuki, dango &&` two bowls that have a bunnie &&` bear on it。 ラブ ~ ! !

(( reminds mii of mii &&` Dai。(●´ω`●)ゞ wハート☆ ))
the lady who was helping mii was reallie nice too。ちゅう~
after paying she gave mii &&` maii parents free iced coffee。にこっ! !
&&` she told us that kokeshi doll are hard to find &&` are reallie expensive in japan now `cause the original maker died。 。

it mad mii sad `cause i love kokeshi dolls なきがお 。。

here are some pictures of the things i got。 !



the second asian market we went to wasn`t as fun because all we got was sio pao, &&` noodles
&&` the people there were scary lookin` ・゚゚・(≧ д ≦)・゚゚・。

i still can`t believe it`s already been a week since maii cousins came here from ca 。。
it seems like it`s been a long time already &&` i miss them sooooo` much。ドキドキ
lol ii`m glad that i`ll be seeing them over the summer though。(‐^▽^‐)!


ii`m gonna stop writing for now。
good night。ウインク ~ ! !