I decided to take valuables and, one of my five cats with me (It was American short hair). I do not remember why.

It was a quick thinking.

It didn't occur to me that I should take the other four cats and Tottoko, my chicken.

This decision determined the fate of the cats.

Me and my mother still regret this decision.

(As of today, September 20, 2012, two of my cats are still missing, one was rescued by NPO but soon passed away, one is still alive but very weak. )

Parade Books "Nekonosuke Douchuki Dedicate to Shimajirou - The true memory of the victim of Fukushima nuclear plant accident"






(平成二十四年九月二十日現在。 そのうち二匹は行方不明で、一匹はNPOの方に救助されましたがまもなく死んでしまいました。 一匹ははめっきり弱ってしまいましたが生きています)

Parade Books 「猫之介道中記 しま次郎に捧ぐ・・・ - 原発被災者による真実の記憶 -」 より

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