2024/03/21 | BiKEN™猫好き社長のブログ



Who is "they"?

Everyone always says "they." "They" control the media. "They" are trying to kill us all. "They" released the bioweapons. Rarely does anybody actually identify "they."

I'll tell you, and I'll share a few excerpts from a meeting I had with a Senator some time ago.

I've been silent on this, but quite a bit of time has passed now, and the information has been put to good use, so I'm not going to reveal anything damaging here. Knowing some of these things, and knowing that that knowledge has gone where it needs to go, is one part of what makes me so confident that come Jan '25, we will be setting this right, and justice will be done.

The topic was the many and varied corrupt elements and actions that facilitated the Covid pandemic, and the available evidence thereof. A whistleblower came forward, with our help, with reams of damning evidence. Suppressed treatments; deliberate murder; deliberate dysfunction of the hospital systems at large; conspiracy to mislead the public and further the propaganda narrative. Emails, testimony, events, times, places, and people.

"They" are the World Economic Forum, their attendees, members, employees, and the people that work for those people. Leaders of big business, leaders of key institutions, politicians, FBI, CIA, MI6 and other foreign agents, artists and actors, journalists and media owners, senior and/or well-placed key federal and state bureaucrats and elected officials, agency and department heads, leaders of banks, hedge funds, pension funds and various financial institutions.

In aggregate, "they" are us. They are the many and varied people that have reached the tops of their fields, whether by excellence, election, corruption, or the many and varied other ways that they end up in those positions. They are the "best" of us, drawn in by the glamour, status, social circles and riches that the WEF promises, in exchange for their allegiance and adherence to the rules and orders they are given.

They operate at several levels. The most senior of them are given their marching orders and ideologies right from the top; Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rockefellers & Rothschilds, so on. While it could be said that they're the true "they," the only reason they have any power is because all of those people follow and adhere to them. They're the ones that are complicit, and know exactly what they're doing and why. Subsequent to that, and working independently, they collaborate. The whistleblower provided evidence of secret meetings, of several different kinds. One kind is the collusion between industry heads. They get together, whether for lunch or dinner, or at retreats like the Bohemian Grove, discuss their plans and how they're progressing, and make new ones, knowing what's coming up next, such that the institutions that they lead will play their part to further the WEF's goals. Intelligence services coordinate where necessary, but by and large they work independently.

This is, for instance, how pretty much every hospital came to follow very similar protocols for the isolation, mistreatment and eventual murders of their Covid patients; how grocery stores all laid down their little one-way aisle signs; how the major scientific journals all refused to accept and publish good science on proper treatment; how every MSM outlet in the country and across the world all parrot the same narrative at the same time.

From there on down, you've got the C-suites and the lower levels of senior leadership. They might be in on it, or they might not be; Andrew Huff AGHuff, former VP of Ecohealth, is a perfect example of an otherwise senior leader, of a critical institution, that was otherwise unaware of what was happening, horrified when he found out, and spent the next four years trying to blow the whistle, and being targeted for it. Dr. Mike Yeadon is another such example. By and large, it is only the most senior leaders of these institutions that are "in on it."

Then you have the corrupt people in key positions. Specific scientists like Dr. Andrew Hill, responsible for allowing the falsification of conclusions on his ivermectin study in late 2020; that Florida data scientist that was removed and charged; the talking heads with mile-long lists of credentials that appear on CNN to fearmonger about something or other. The whistleblower described a well-reputed doctor being taken to a retreat, with Dr. Fauci and some other functionaries; subsequently, he started appearing on TV, talking up the chaos and mass death at a hospital that was, in reality, dead quiet, while the rest of the staff cracked jokes, laughed at him, and wondered what on Earth he was talking about. They're the people that have been promised some sum of money, or a trip to Epstein Island, or some other enticement or threat, to do whatever it is that needs to be done by a person in their position. They're not "in on it," and they occasionally end up dead if they stray, but they're vital in their own capacities, whether big or little. They are handled by intelligence agents of various stripes, whether sanctioned or otherwise.

That's about it. That's who "they" are. It is all centrally organized through the World Economic Forum, which has become the nexus of the numerous otherwise competing "powers that be," and these leaders of their various institutions act like terrorist cells, operating largely independently, coordinated where necessary, and all furthering the goals of those "powers that be," all under Klaus Schwab's umbrella, toward a world where they will remain rich and powerful forever, and exert their will to shape that world however they see fit.

Those networks are known now, and they are being watched, and in being watched, their power and reach has been massively degraded. Come '25 and beyond, they will be obliterated, and our world will be retaken, after hundreds of years of their control.

That is why "they" are so deathly afraid of Trump.

The game is up.
All that's left is time.

Circular from Adam Gaertner.

Too many Japanese still don't get it🤷
I don’t trust either of them😅…