

Wide Awake Media




1982 CBS News report—featuring a 34 year old Al Gore—predicts the "widespread disruption of agriculture", and 25% of Florida ending up underwater, "due to the burning of coal and oil". "Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt might be too dry, and the wheat and corn crops would have to move to Canada." "Scientists blame the odourless, colourless carbon dioxide gas for these potentially dangerous changes around the planet... The scientists maintain that the coal, oil and gas we've been burning for 100 years have produced more and more carbon dioxide, and helped overheat the Earth." H/t:


1982 年の CBS ニュースの報道では、


34 歳のアル・ゴアが


「石炭と石油の燃焼により、農業の広範囲にわたる混乱」とフロリダ州の 25% が水没すると予測している。








動画  末尾の部分


(20) XユーザーのWide Awake Mediaさん: 「1982 CBS News report—featuring a 34 year old Al Gore—predicts the "widespread disruption of agriculture", and 25% of Florida ending up underwater, "due to the burning of coal and oil". "Climate changes could produce widespread disruption of agriculture. The American farm belt https://t.co/MF1wKGzJpE」 / X



バッカ~じゃなかろっか、この オ ト コ




地球は2030年からミニ氷河期に入るのか?:日経ビジネス電子版 (nikkei.com)
