


Rael Maitreya


History Lovers


The original Michelin Man from 1894.⁣ The Michelin Man aka Bibendum is white because rubber tires are naturally white. It was not until 1912, that carbon chemicals were mixed into the white tires, which turned them black. The change was structural, not aesthetic. By adding carbon, tires became more durable.⁣

Michelin also began reviewing restaurants so that more people would travel further distances in their cars to eat at these restaurants. This in turn would wear down their tires faster, and force them to buy more.⁣

The star system that Michelin uses goes up to three and is broken down by whether or not it's worth driving to the restaurant.

One star: "A very good restaurant in its category" (Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie)⁣

Two star: "Excellent cooking, worth a detour" (Table excellente, mérite un détour)⁣

Three star: "Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey" (Une des meilleures tables, vaut le voyage).


1894 年のオリジナルのミシュランマン。
1912 年になって初めて、白いタイヤに炭素化学物質が混ぜられ、タイヤが黒く


ミシュランが使用する星のシステムは最大 3 つで、レストランまで車で行く価値があるかどうかによって分類されます。

1 つ星: 「そのカテゴリーで非常に良いレストラン」(Une tres bonne table dans sa categorie)(A very good table in its category)

2 つ星: 「素晴らしい料理、わざわざ回り道して行く価値がある」(Table excellente, merite un detour)(Excellent table, worth a detour)

3 つ星: 「並外れた料理、出かけていく価値がある」(Une des meilleures tables, vaut le voyage)。
(One of the best restaurants, worth the trip)