A kanji wasn't yet used in those days in Japan.
therefore, ”邪馬台国” was just assigned the same sound's character they had heard.

Chinese characters really confuse us.
So, ignoring the Chinese character would be get a easy way to chase the their traces.

If we pronounce the name in Japanese way, pronunciation was just "yamatai" or sounds like.
however, this has a possibility the sound was "yamato" as well.

You know, sometimes breaking out the controversy of the relevancy of Yamato Imperial Court and Yamatai-koku.
Time was different, but ain't there any concern?

There are several hypothesis for the Yamatai's location.
Location hints are only by few sentences in "魏志倭人伝/Gishi-Wajin-den"
so, it's hard to determine where the place was.

Psychic mentioned that She lived around here.
邪馬台国 大和 ヤマト yamatai himiko japan kojiki 古事記

If the Yamatai location was here, this location matches the place of Kinai theory/畿内説 (Kyoto university).
And also this place leads to subsequent Yamato Imperial Court.

References / looking into

Yamatai / 邪馬台国 (sounds Yamato perhaps?)

Tokunoshima / 徳之島?


Gishi-Wajinden / 魏志倭人伝

Definite of the region of Yamatai district? or island itself?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEwpMFkOFN4 (40:00~)

Amami oshima / 奄美大島?

language of Amami

concideration for the scale - 1里

1里 ≒ 70m~80m at the time ?