Pyramid of Giza

One psychic saw the Pyramid of Giza in ancient age.
I'd like to introduce to you.
(Original notes are able to refer to さとこのチカラ)

Egypt around Giza was not deserted in ancient age.
There were lotta vegetation.
Also some Parthenon temple-like buildings could be seen around there.

giza pyramid in those days psychic

Now that aliens interventions are not fantasy at all.
As you expected, pyramid concerned with them.

Pyramid was used as control tower for extraterrestorial.

before construction of three large pyramids , broad stone-paved-park was there.
under the ground, each lands are connected with something black ash or tar like substances.
those lines work like electrical coil and give a light to pyramids.
Why such a huge pyramids were needed? the reason is why, electrical power is even strong around the earth, so they needed to construct such a huge building.

Some might say, seeing through is just a nonsense!
but, some of her vision are seen on not only urban technology or research but also records or figures.
I'd rather want to reveal the truth by finding some relations for variety of clues, not only studying on the desk.

pyramid glow eye artifact Myanmar lion gate pyramid sphinks Hattusas lion gate pyramid sphinks true eye 1doller bill pyramid money freemasonary carbon battery electric techonology energy

【】Mysterious Artifacts: Glowing Black Pyramid With The Third Eye

Virtual Tour Through The Great Pyramid

made by Limestone (Sphinks)

Sphinks : Funeral temples of Queen (constructed by Queen of the Mu)
somer record and stuffs buried under the Sphinks

釣鐘池 つりがね池






釣鐘池 つりがね池
It was written about The Land of MU on the surface the clay plate which Churchward has obtained.

Yes, that's the lost continent MU.

once upon a time, immense continent existed.
It seems that they had high technology.

What on earth, where did the Mu go?

There was the MU in the center of the Pacific?
existed in the Seto Inland Sea(瀬戸内海)?
Mu was in Okinawa?
Sunk into the sea?

There are no traces of the huge continent.

There is no critical clues even by means of geological research, so far.


Psychic says unexpected story who saw through about the MU

Mu was a spaceship!!!!

Oh my goshhhh!!

At a glance, this story is pretty wild though, but this story makes me nod for there are no geological traces.
also it seems pretty much hard to explain by means of some geological theories kind of erosion or plate tectonics.

mu continent UFO ムー大陸

immense mothership was floating on the ocean.
that's why people recognized the ship as a land.

The gigantic triangular spaceship had been stayed for 5~10 years.
The ship were masqueraded not to scare the people on the earth.
Their purpose was a research of whether they could live or not in this planet.

After their resarch, they concluded that this planet is premature, for its conditions or people's mind and life.

You can see the original note below.
A kanji wasn't yet used in those days in Japan.
therefore, ”邪馬台国” was just assigned the same sound's character they had heard.

Chinese characters really confuse us.
So, ignoring the Chinese character would be get a easy way to chase the their traces.

If we pronounce the name in Japanese way, pronunciation was just "yamatai" or sounds like.
however, this has a possibility the sound was "yamato" as well.

You know, sometimes breaking out the controversy of the relevancy of Yamato Imperial Court and Yamatai-koku.
Time was different, but ain't there any concern?

There are several hypothesis for the Yamatai's location.
Location hints are only by few sentences in "魏志倭人伝/Gishi-Wajin-den"
so, it's hard to determine where the place was.

Psychic mentioned that She lived around here.
邪馬台国 大和 ヤマト yamatai himiko japan kojiki 古事記

If the Yamatai location was here, this location matches the place of Kinai theory/畿内説 (Kyoto university).
And also this place leads to subsequent Yamato Imperial Court.

References / looking into

Yamatai / 邪馬台国 (sounds Yamato perhaps?)

Tokunoshima / 徳之島?


Gishi-Wajinden / 魏志倭人伝

Definite of the region of Yamatai district? or island itself? (40:00~)

Amami oshima / 奄美大島?

language of Amami

concideration for the scale - 1里

1里 ≒ 70m~80m at the time ?

Japanese exist due to guiding people.
As you know, we Japanese are the most peaceful race.
Also we have long history, myth and traditions.

Our life is on the basis of shinto or animism