
I had been suffered for more than 25 years because of the incurable disease so called average psoriasis).It is caused by abnorml immunity activities in my body and it makes me to hasten to make keratin layer in the skin about more than ten times faster than normal speed.
That makes so many eruptions every where on my body. It was very much itchy. I used very stong steroid hormone medecine but it was not effective to cure the disease.One day when I was watching on NHK TV program and they reported a newly deveroped very good injection type medecine named stelala. My regular skin doctor introduced me to a doctor in JIKEI Medical University. The first injection treatement was done on 4th of October last year and then only about one month after the psoriasis had almost disappeared. My skin became very beautiful now therefore I can enjoy hot spring without any hesitation. At first I hesitate to show my ugly looking skin but I hope to tell this greate newly deveroped medecine to every person who is suffering from this kind of disease. Day after tommorrow I will have the fourth time injection.

治療前の皮膚の状態(Before the treatement)


治療後(After the treatement)