I'm writing an article for the first time this year. The first photograph has no relation with this article.
I found an adult jerusalem cricket (Stenopelmatus fuscus?, also known as "potato bug") today. I don't know the origin of the name "Jerusalem cricket" but the species of genus Stenopelmatus is new world insect and native to western US and part of Mexico. However other genera that belong to the superfamily Stenopelmatoidea appear to be distributed worldwide.
A little while before I found scorpion last summer, I actually found nymph of jerusalem cricket. However, because I neither caught nor took a picture of it for some reason at that time, I have wanted to see this bug again (I might have a chance to see it only once last year but it was in the middle of being eaten by scorpion...). Moreover, because I had no idea how to find this insect except turing stones/rocks because they live underground, just like moles, I have expected that I have only a few chances to see them.
Thus, I'm very happy to see it!!


I found scorpion under the fallen tree. I was surprised to see that because it was much larger than I expected--I thought it is as small as yaeyama scorpion (Japanese species, live in southwestern-most islands of Japan)

Recently, I’m taking an after-lunch short walk everyday. The route is limited in the neighborhood of lab, but I encounter various things. Today, I ran into a san diego gopher snake. Although I actually saw a wild snake for the first time in US, because this species is introduced as an overseas snake species in picture book of reptile in Japan and I have known it since I was a child, I recognized it as a gopher snake. When I blocked its way, like many other snakes, this baby gopher snake also threatened with flattening its head. Unfortunately, since this individual was a juvenile, its threatening completely lacked a power but it was cute. I look forward the next walking time.


