






“I am starting a diary from today. The purpose of this diary is to reflect on the day and record it as sentences. Additionally, I aim to improve my English skills by translating it into English. If I can memorize and speak what I wrote in this diary, I believe it will serve as a good conversation topic with my friends. Although I have not decided on the style of writing for my diary yet, I intend to keep it as concise as possible.”


reflect on で振り返るって意味


decide on は何々を決めるという意味で使われていて、decideよりも詳細や明確な決定を決めるとう意味で使われる。

intend to do で何々するつもりという意味。



I start taking a diary from todady. The objective of that is remember the day and record it  as sentences. Also, I want to learn English with transferring it into English.If I can speak what I wrote in this diary, it will be a good topic for chatting with my friends. Although I do not decide how I will write it, I want to make it simple and short.