Destinations to Visit From The Toyama Station, 2 | Travels in Toyama

Travels in Toyama

Helpful reports on navigating a slower side of Japan

In this article, additional information about the bullet train from Toyama Station will be presented along with a introduction to some locations you will be able to go to on the Ainokaze Toyama Railway. Ainokaze Toyama Railway, you will go in the Niigata direction if you ride the train towards Tomari direction. You can go to Takaoka City, if you head in the Ishikawa Prefecture direction, bound for Kanazawa. In addition to the new high speed liner(Ainokaze Liner), there is also a local train.

Take the Shigaichi Junkan Route community bus from the front of Namerikawa Station and please get off Hotaruika Museum Mae, this area is known as, Wave Park Namerikawa. At Wave Park Namerikawa, you can visit the Toyama Prefecture Museum for specialty firefly squid at the Hotaruika Museum. Between late March and the end of May the firefly squid are in exhibition. In addition, you can make reservations to see the squid on a boat off of the coast, if you want to see the squid are flashing and at their most beautiful, out at sea, don't wait and make an appointment at the museum as soon as possible. You can also get off Aqua Pocket Mae, at this place you can by all kinds deep ocean water. Including, water that is filtered for drinking. It is extremely cold and delicious.

Taking the community bus from the front of JR Uozu Station, you can visit some attractions in Uozu. It runs eight times daily and will stop at Uozu Aquarium, and the Buried Forest Museum of Uozu. Uozu Aquarium is the oldest aquarium in Japan. It just went through a renovation last year, you can see many shows and the feeding of native and exotic specimens. There is also an amusement park with a gigantic ferris wheel in across the road from the aquarium. It commands a beautiful view of the Sea of ​​Japan. The amusement park is named, Mirage land.
One more place in Uozo is recommended. The Buried Forest Museum(Uozu Maibotsurin Hakubutsukan), we can see many naturally preserved cedar trees that sank into the ocean more than 2000 years ago. In addition, the museum is one of the best spots to catch a view of the city's naturally occurring and famed ocean mirage, you might be able to see this spectacular mirage from the observatory if lucky between November and March.

Ikuji has some attractions. Just get off at the Ikuji Station, it is near the Kurobe City Yoshida Science Museum and the YKK factory. Kurobe City Yoshida Science Museum has largest planetarium on the Japan Sea coast. The programs at the planetarium will change depending on the season. We can also wear special glasses for some programs in "3D" where everything appears to be three-dimensional.

YKK is a company that makes zippers and window frames. On the property of the YKK factory there the YKK Center Park, it is a spacious park that also has a museum.

When get off at Etchū-Miyazaki Station, you can also go to the Jade Beach in Asahi. It is a beautiful rock coast with all types of different stones and minerals but, it is most famous for it's gemstone jade that is sometimes found in the area. There are appraisers in the area to find whether the gemstone is jade or not and how much it is worth.

In addition, the area is also famous for delicious cod soup. You can eat it at a restaurant close to the beach. The coast is nearby Gokokuji Temple. It is a certified attraction of Toyama Prefecture for it's flowers from April to June. A lot of people will come to see the rhododendron and azalea flowers. There are many unique stone statues as well.

Well that's it. I am now finished touring and writing about Toyama Prefecture for this website. I had an amazing time. I could explore so many beautiful and wonderful places in the Toyama Prefecture while having memorable times with my two colleagues Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Yoshida. I feel so lucky, as I know I am one of very few people who are not Japanese to know Toyama so well through my extensive touring. I have been to almost every tourist destination in this prefecture! After all this and all the great places I have experienced, I know Toyama is a world class area that is safe, clean, and amazing.
I hope the new bullet train that connects Toyama and Tokyo in a quick and efficient manner will open Toyama up to the rest of the world as it is now more accessible than ever. If you ever have the chance to come to Japan, I highly recommend Toyama, the people are wonderful and I promise you will experience some really cool things. I had a great time! Thank you to all the wonderful people of Communograph and Toyama Prefecture for allowing me to have such an amazing time in my travels.