Touring the Treasures of Takaoka | Travels in Toyama

Travels in Toyama

Helpful reports on navigating a slower side of Japan

Takaoka City is the second largest city in Toyama Prefecture. It is conveniently close, only a twenty minute ride from Toyama Station by local train and only a 320 yen train fare. Although, it is close it is very different. The city is well known for it's copper ware, and beautiful Amaharashi Beach, a world renowned ocean view. On this trip we went off to pay some of the other well known spots in Takaoka a visit, Zuiryūji Temple, Imizu Jinja, and  Kojō Kōen. Takaoka people are very proud of their city and local culture, after visiting these places, I had no difficulty in understanding why. Takaoka has some really beautiful places to be proud of.
Toyama is a very rainy place, I believe it is first in Japan in annual rainfall. It is why it is such a lush green place during warmer weather and there is so much greenery. This trip was once again a rainy day in Toyama. The rain did not take away from the beauty at Zuiryuji Temple one bit though. The temple is absolutely massive and a designated national treasure. It was built in the 1600's and has a very long decorated past. The word temple may throw you off but everything at this place is large scale. Takaoka does not have a castle because of rivaling royal families in the area in the past destroying it, but this temple while not the same is a worthy substitute. The admission fee is an economical 500 yen.

The Zuiryūji area has massive white rock gardens raked to perfection by monks before the entrance gates. Upon entering, I noticed the whole area was lay out as a rectangle with corridors bordering the area. In the middle, was the main worship room and a separate building that was a sort of an island. The inside of that building was very spiritual feeling, and had extremely beautiful Buddhist statues, some of the best I have seen in Japan, I was most impressed by the woodwork as the building was staggering tall for a wooden structure. It felt so ambient and peaceful, a fantastic place to find one's zen and escape the modern free market world for a while. Through the corridors there were various other worship places all beautiful in unique ways. In the back was a lecture hall and various religious procedure rooms. I have been to many Buddhist temples and this was definitely the biggest in scale. I can understand how this area could be it's own Buddhist community. If you are into history, Asian religion, or amazing woodwork this is a really fantastic breathtaking place to go. Takaoka has the premier temple in Toyama.

Next it was off to one of the most beautiful parks I can think of in recent memory. It is a park that seems to focus on one thing and that is traditional beauty. The park is sprawling, I am not really sure of the area, but it is big by any park standards especially for being in the center of Takaoka. One could spend hours walking if they pleased. There is a zoo, with various Japanese and Foreign animals alike. It is not big, but it is free, it serves well as a place for the community to observe animals in a well known convenient location, my favorite animals were the majestic Mandarin Ducks that the zoo had. We then proceeded to walk and explore. There is a very unique playground for children, a beautifully tall red bridge crossing the lake, and all of the various trees were some highlights. The place is absolutely full of ducks as well, too many ducks to count in Kojō Kōen's pond. The park even has some towering sequoias that I couldn't see the tops of. The best part for me was the Buddhist statue by a man made waterfall next to the lake. It was really peaceful, full of fresh air and landscaping at its best in Japan. This is a true Jewel in the Park world and it is free. If the weather is nice it is a must go. The park is also packed full of cherry blossoms and becomes one of the busiest places in Toyama for cherry blossom parties. Spring would be a great time to go! The fall colors are equally as good, I am sure any season this park would be wonderful.

Located just on the edge of Kojō Kōen is Imizu Shrine. A center piece for the Takaoka Shintō community. People come for New Years, birthdays, special events and holidays. It is almost always busy and a major part of Takaoka's peoples lives. The shrine has numerous community events throughout the year. The shrine is very different than Zuiryūji Temple and dare I say it modern. I say that even though the temple will celebrate it's 140 year anniversary next year. The shrine has a beautiful modern cafe looking out on the Jinja, a very fancy and upscale wedding hall and reception area, and of course a giant shrine. There are numerous priests walking around clad in Shintō uniform. We saw a celebration of children as young girls and boys dressed in kimonos took pictures in front of the shrine. It is really a beautiful place and seemed alive with energy with all of the nature surrounding it. I reccomend if you would like to have insight into japanese peoples lives this is a good place to visit. Go to the front of the building offer some money to the gods and make a prayer. Shintō is a unique religion to Japan and this is definitely one of the beautiful places to see the religion in action. Takaoka has many great places, we only visited a few but they would be great places to go if you are ever in Toyama as Takaoka is so close and the places mentioned today were all in walking distance of the station. Also no worries, Takaoka Station has a newly opened visitors center just as you get off the train and they will steer you there no problem.