




笠原颯太郎(4) 4:12.65★予選第5位★2部決勝進出★

野田周平(3) 4:23.33★予選第12位★


男子400Fr2部決勝 笠原颯太郎(4) 4:05.32★Best★東大記録更新★2部決勝第3位★



前田英俊(4) 1:00.87★予選第9位★

益子裕太(3) 1:00.01★予選第5位★2部決勝進出★

水野吉晴(1) 58.26★Best★歴代第3位★予選第2位★2部決勝進出★



益子裕太(3) 58.55★2部決勝第5位★

水野吉晴(1) 57.78★Best★歴代第2位★2部決勝第3位★



佐々木翔(3) 2:10.47★予選第2位★2部決勝進出★

中西祥旗(2) 2:12.19★予選第7位★2部決勝進出★

高倉聡一郎(1) 2:31.32★Best★



佐々木翔(3) 2:10.98★2部決勝第5位★

中西祥旗(2) 2:11.20★2部決勝第6位★




益子裕太(3) 58.47

松本恭太郎(3) 1:01.06

中西祥旗(2) 56.06

佐々木翔(3) 53.09



西村和花(1) 5:02.55★初Best★歴代第5位★予選第8位★2部決勝進出★



西村和花(1) 5:04.37★2部決勝第8位★




小野七晴(2) 1:08.68

小野﨑歩(4) 1:24.37

藤倉璃保(4) 1:03.60

秡川典子(4) 1:05.32 






















































































In English now… 









To Riho - My first impression of you was that you were extremely devoted to swimming. And I can confidently say that that impression hasn’t changed since I’ve gotten to know you better. Watching you swim during practice and during races makes me realize how much you want to succeed in your swimming career and I’ve noticed that that drive has motivated the grades below us. Seeing you cheer on other swimmers and help others to have more confidence in themselves makes me wish I could’ve swam with you on the same team because I know for sure that I would have been able to push myself harder if I was given the opportunity to swim on the same team as you. I hope you know how much influence you have on the team and I know that you will succeed in the future. Thank you. 


To Noriko - Although I only have known you for about 2 months I feel as though I’ve known you for much longer. Before you came back from Australia I was already hearing many great things about you from other swimmers and Miyuka and that made me so excited to finally be able to meet you. You have an energy that is so contagious and you make everyone around you feel as though they are appreciated and seen. I felt the same way when I met you and I can tell how much you truly care about everyone on this team. Your drive to make everyone feel included is really admirable and I hope I can be more like you. Seeing you stay after practice is over to polish your technique really inspires me to continue to grow and I’m sure others feel the same. The only negative thing I have to say about you is the fact that I can’t hangout with you for longer. Thank you. 


To Ryotaro - I think being captain is a position that holds so much weight, as the captain is often the face of the team. Seeing you lead this team makes me realize time and time again how amazing of a team this is and how amazing of a person you are. Your ability to balance your responsibility for such a role with swimming and college is extremely impressive and to not complain at all about it is really insane. I can tell that you not only care deeply for the swimmers but also for the managers as well. I’ve never felt uncomfortable bringing up a problem with you or sharing any concerns I have as I know you’ll listen. Watching you come into practice on Sundays shows me how committed you are to swimming and to improving your skills and I know that where you are now is thanks to the consistent work you put in over years. I am so grateful to have met you, thank you. 


To Sotaro - I am going to be completely honest, my first impression of you was that you were very intimidating. However, as I got to know you better, I now realize that you are extremely kind and caring of the people around you. I remember how every time I made a mistake while timing during practice you would always be understanding and kind. I understand how frustrating it would be to have your swimming disrupted due to a mistake on the managers end, but you would never show such frustration. Your stoic commitment to swimming and to improving is so inspiring and I hope you know how many people look up to you as a role model. I feel extremely lucky to be have been able to have gotten the chance the watch your races and I’ll be cheering you on from America. Thank you. 


To Sosuke - You are genuinely one of the funniest people I’ve met here and every time I saw you at practice I knew that it was going to be fun. When I first joined the team, you were one of the people who would make an effort to come and talk to me and get to know me and I hope you know how much I really appreciated that. I feel like I can go to you anytime for help or to just talk and I know that many people on the team feel the same way. Your laugh is so contagious and I can tell that you really love this team and this sport. One thing that does worry me is how much you forget stuff but I know that you’ll be (hopefully) fine. You make everyone around you feel so comfortable and even if you might be going through a rough time or when you swim a race that didn’t turn out well, you never show that and I think that shows how strong you are. Have fun and swim hard, thank you. 


To Sho-chan - The first thought I had when I met you was “This person truly loves to swim”. I think it’s rare to meet someone that truly loves what they do but I noticed that with you. Time and time again you continuously proved this, and at the training camp I really was shocked at how much you put yourself through to improve. You deserve everything you have right now and more and I know that you’ll end this season with a satisfying end. Even though you love swimming so much, seeing you joke around during practice and making us managers laugh also made me realize how much you care about others as well. I wish for the best for you and I hope you have an amazing end to your swimming career. Thank you. 


To Shin-chan - I’m not quite sure how to put this into words but you have such a calming energy to you. Whenever I talk to you, I don’t feel nervous at all and ever since the day I met you I could tell that you were super nice. Even if you might be having a rough time during practice, you never let that impact the people around you and you always push through the hardest of practices. I love how sure you are of yourself and the things you like and I think that that definitely rubs off on the people around you. I always thought you were an amazing example of how someone that is a part of a team should act because of how organized you are with your responsibilities and ensuring that everyone is held to the same standard. I probably have seen you swim the 400 IM over 15 times but every single time I’m amazed that you put yourself through that. Good luck on the rest of the season and thank you. 


To KING - I’m relying on you to translate my messages to everyone else because I know I definitely can’t. Thanks in advance! Anyways, I’m so glad I was able to meet you and I’m so glad that you’re a native speaker that (hopefully?) understands the jokes I make in English. Watching you swim for purely just enjoyment is so refreshing to see and entertaining. Even though I barely saw you at practice, the times that you did come were really fun and I really respect the idgaf attitude you sometimes have. Thank you for upholding the correct way to put up a middle finger, it really makes me happy to see American culture being appreciated. But on a more serious note, I really wish I was able to get to know you better and I really do have so much fun talking to you about America and swimming in America because I didn’t think I could when I joined this team. Thanks for being here and I hope you have a blast. 


To Bayashi - I know English isn’t your favorite subject so I apologize for having to write this in English. My impression of you is that you are always smiling and always laughing and I love that so much. I think everyone knows how gentle and caring you are to other swimmers and managers and I hope you know how much people appreciate that. Watching you swim your last race and talk in your interview was the first time I saw you in a more serious mood and it made me realize how much swimming meant to you. I could already tell during practice how much effort you put into this sport, but seeing you swim your last race was more impactful than anything. Thank you for coming in to help out with manager tasks and I hope you are satisfied with your swimming career. Good luck and thank you. 


To Hase - I remember the first meet I went to as the only manager and I was so nervous that I wouldn’t be able to talk to any of the swimmers. I’m not sure if you remember but you talked to me and I instantly felt less nervous. You are really kind and caring of both the people in our grade and the people in the grades below us and I realized that when I talked to you at that swim meet. Even during practice you always respond to managers when we count down and I really appreciate that. Same with shin-chan, you always swim the 400 IM and every time I’m just shocked that you would do that to yourself. Watching you get a best time is so satisfying knowing the work you put into practice. Finish your swim career strong and I hope you have an end to the season that is satisfying to you. Thank you. 


To Ayumi - I don’t want this to be too long so I’ll try to keep it short but I am so so happy and grateful I was able to meet you here. I only have words of gratitude to say to you as I don’t think I would have had such a good experience on this team if I didn’t meet you. Thank you so much for reaching out to me when I first joined the team to get to know me and I appreciate you so much for becoming my first friend on the team. You made coming to practice so much fun and so much easier and I enjoyed getting to know you so much. Even though you might not think this about yourself I think you are one of the strongest people I’ve met and one of the most committed to their goals. Watching you continuously try to improve not only your swimming but also yourself as a whole is really inspiring and I hope you know how much I look up to you. Especially in the past few months I can tell how much you work to improve your breaststroke by asking people like Kokomi and Kaho and it makes me so happy to see you working so hard. Hanging out with you outside of swim was always so much fun and I can tell how much you care about the people on the team and your friends. Even with my broken Japanese you never made me feel insecure or embarrassed to try to talk in Japanese and I feel so comfortable around you and I know you have the same impact on others. I wish you the bestest of luck in France and I’ll always be cheering you on! Finish your swim career strong and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get the results you wanted because you already have succeeded. Thank you so much. 
















Trying new things is never a bad thing. 新しい事に挑戦した事は絶対に後悔はしない。ここ一年間で一番に思ったことはこれです。失敗や新しいことに挑戦して辛い思いはたくさんしてきましたが、今では挑戦したことに対して一つも後悔していないです。ですから、大学ではいっぱい新しい事に挑戦して、失敗して、学んでください!


Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. これはどう翻訳すればいいのかよく分からないのでDeeplさんに聞きます。「不快に感じることに慣れろ」。ん〜多分ちょっと違うので英語上手な人に聞いて見てください。とにかく辛い事は慣れるしかないという翻訳になると思います。これは当時クラブチームで泳いでいた頃にコーチに言われた言葉です。泳いでた頃は練習はもちろん、練習後の筋トレがきつすぎてサボってた時期がありました。辛い、痛いが嫌すぎて逃げてました。それがコーチにバレて、こう言われました。すごく自分のなかでは影響が大きくて、その後すごく力になって、練習もレースも全力を出し切れたと思います。タイムが伸びない時や、みんなは結果を残せているのに自分だけついて行けてないと思う時期は絶対にくると思います。そういう時こそこれを思い出して欲しいです。



















Be One