Auto-interview by Boy George 1988年頃







So, Boy George, what's the question you get asked the most?


The question I get asked the most is, when I started in music, things about my sexuality. And also, I always get asked who I hate, and journalists especially in France always want me to be rude about other people. I suppose that's the most obvious question.


So, is there any question you ever ask yourself then?

A:僕はここで何をしてるんだ? って。

What am I doing here.


So then, what's harder, getting off drugs or selling a million records?


Um.., I would have to say it's a very diffrent situation, and not really comparable.


You think England has forgiven you?

A:何に? For what? 


And more to the point, have you forgiven yourself?


Um.., well, I think that I don't really understand the hypocrisy from people concerning drugs because a lot of people who wrote about me were taking acid in the 60s, so it's kind of hypocritical. What they say and the sins of the fathers are reflected on the sons.


So the last time you had sex, I mean really had sex, was it with a boy or was it with a girl?



Can you tell me exactly how may lovers you've had?


Um.., I can tell you exactly I've had about 7. Very humble beginnings, but I'm hoping to improve on that score in the future.


So, Boy, what sort of things do you prefer in sex? Do you have any kinks?


What do I prefer? Um.., let me think... I'm very basic when it comes to sex. I like really normal things. And I mean I have a perverted mind but when it actually comes to putting in practice, I'm very kind of, you know, basic. I like the normal things, kissing, holding, I like affection more than sex.


What I wanna ask you is, do you masturbate?


Yes, (giggle) sorry I'm not embarrased, I just think it's a really bizzare question, but that's okay. Everybody does it, it's a national sport.


Now look, if you had to go on a desert island and you have to choose from 3 people, would you choose, out of these 3, Maggie Thatcher, Elton John or George Michael, or would you go on your own?


I think Elton John probably, becase he's got a very nice personality and he is quite a nice person, and he's quite good to talk to. I would choose somebody with a personality really, because I don't fancy any of those people, so sex would be out of the question. So, it would have to be like, a very kind of like, you know, kind of friendship-relationship so I would choose him. 


So tell me, how do you picture yourself there when you get to about 64?


Well, I don't think I'd be lucky to make 64, but it would be nice to picture myself as kind of like Cecil Beaton.

Q:死ぬのは怖い? Tell us then, are you afraid of dying?

A:皆そうだろ。 I think everybody is.

Q:神様を信じる? Do you believe in God?


I think, I'd say on the surface I didn't but underneath all of us believe in it. I don't know whether that's because we've been conditioned to believe that there is a God or that we actually feel it. I think of the world as god, you know, I think the actual planet that we live on is God, and that's my kind of surrealist idea of what God is, but I'm not a very religious person. I think the basic things you have to have is a kind heart and you have to be good to each other and the rest of it is irrelavant.





この動画のBGM "Don't Cry"は、Prince & The Revolutionの元ドラマー Bobby Zと作った曲で、アルバム「Tense Nervous Headache」(1988年)に収録。

「プリンスの魔法に少しでもあやかれるんじゃないかと、この作品に飛びついた。プリンス、ボウイ、ロイ・オービソンを真似して歌ったけど、誰になりたかったのか自分でもよく分からなかった」出典:自叙伝「Take It Like A Man」


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