Anne Gleave先生のプロボールルームのレポート赤薔薇


1st place 
Dusan and Valeria Dragovic

They have a strong belief in the area of Ballroom Dancing they aspire to and this is admirable. I love that their dancing is on the verge of totally free movement, naturalism and purity which is highly desirable and for me the beauty of their dancing. This is why they have so many fans because ostensibly the dancer in all of us recognises a “truth” about what they are trying to do. That they polarise opinion is not a surprise to me for sometimes the freedom of motion can rapidly become exaggerated in posture, shapes and line and I am sure not the style of Ballroom Dancing they truly wish to produce visually, but they probably feel great! However I commend their Tango as exceptional. The feel for dancing is gorgeous and they are always a tantalising Ballroom Dancing feast and fascinating to watch.


Into 2nd place - Fedor Isaev and Anna Zudilina

Many congratulations on being placed 2nd in every dance. The most significant dancing Fedor and Anna have produced was at the International Championships last year where the swing of the arms and body weight was outstanding. Although they were consistent and highly proficient on this occasion, for me this was not their best dancing. They like the winners, are tenacious and truly sincere about their performances and will be completely honest as to how they move forward from here and we can’t wait! 

2位へ - フェドール・イサエフとアンナ・ズディリナ


Into 3rd place - Igor Reznik and Lika Dikaya

I watched this competition from the second round and when I saw their shift of movement it took my breath away. That was a wow factor! Had the competition finished at the 3rd round they could have potentially won the competition. Young though they may be, 7 rounds is an unenviable challenge and it does highlight the economics of the performance. Therefore counter-balances to the enormous shift is an essential part of the development. I am sure we feel moved by the obvious joy they feel in being able to compete during such a difficult time in their lives. 

3位へ - イゴール・レズニクとリカ・ディカヤ


Into 4th place - Gaetano Iavarone and Emanuela Napolitano 

Consistency is the name of the game for these two. Excellent competitors who never give up and I believe truly adore competing. There is so much potential for powerful movement and I always feel it is on the verge of breaking through. It is time to take a few chances and let go of the tension! 

4 - ガエターノ・イアヴァローネとエマヌエラ・ナポリターノ


Part 2へ、、、💌