NY公演のお知らせ | トシ・カプチーノ。 オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba



2012年、世界1390団体が申請した中、日本から1団体、国連DPI・NGOの認可を受けた「国連クラシックライブ協会」は、地球憲章(The Earth Charter)を基にしたミュージカル「青い地球は誰のもの(Our Blue Planet)」を下記日程で公演致します。


333 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017)

760 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017

チケット予約:TKO Entertainment Inc. NY Tel: 212-206-1878
E-mail: info@tkonyc.us


$トシ・カプチーノ。 オフィシャルブログ  Powered by Ameba



The Classic Live for The United Nations Japan Presents
Our Blue Planet
Play with Music - Based on the Earth Charter

A play with music, Our Blue Planet by The Classic Live for the United Nations Japan will have its Sixth New York Performance on June 17th at 2:00pm at Japan Society and June 19th at 7:00pm at Express Bar in United Nations in New York.

The Classic Live for the United Nations Japan was established in 1991 to serve U.N. public relations by promoting arts and music activities for young people. This company has been touring the world since 1993, visiting Korea, France, Swiss and the United States. Especially , They have came to the US sixth time that they have performed. In 1993 “ANNE OF GREEN GABLES” in English at the U.N. Hammerskjold Hall, Japan Society and Carnegie Recital Hall. In 1997 “A TALE OF A SOLDIER” was performed at the U.N. Hammerskjold Hall, Carnegie Recital Hall and Japan Club. In 2001 “GAUCHE THE CELLIST” was performed at John Jay College Theater and U.N. Hammerskjold Hall. In 2005 ”OUR FOREST IS ALIVE” at Carnegie Recital Hall. In 2009 Kay Playhouse at Hunter College, SUNY Stony Brook, and at the Eugene and Agnes E.Meyer Auditorium in Washington DC.In their 22 year history, 276 performances were given reaching over 220,000 people. Futhermore, The Classis Live for the United Nations Japan have became an offical member for The Committee on Non-Government Organization of the Department of Public Information(DPI).

The clasic Live for the United Nations is a guild of stage actors and actoress, which presents various musical performances to nurture young people, and to build and strengthen international relationships. The Classic Live for the United Nations performs various educational, cultural and volunteer activities : including artistic and cultural education for its members, introduction of its activities to society and contributes to many communities by promoting culture and the arts. Also the guild has donated over $112,000 to UHHCR and UNICEF through donations collected at their musical performance tours.

Synopsis:It is 2012 and already the Earth is in the hands of a devil! Unaware, visitors to an environmental conference enjoy beautiful music and dance performances until disaster suddenly strikes. Thrown forward in time 100 years they find an Earth ravaged by war and environmental catastrophe. If they can make it back to 2012, what will they do? It combines music, dance and drama in an effort to provoke serious consideration of the environmental problems which threaten us all.

Performance schedules:

Sunday June 17th at 2:00pm
Japan Society
333 E 47th Street New York, NY 10017

Tuesday June 19th at 7:00pm
Express Bar at the United Nations
760 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017

Admission:Free(Reservations are required)

For Tickets information:
TKO Entertainment, Inc.
Tel: 212-206-1878 Email: Info@tkonyc.us

Sponsored/ Supported by
The Ministry of the Environment of Japan, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan,Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations New York, Youth Performing Arts in Tokyo

Masayo Koike Exective Director / Founder / Director
She graduated from Musashino Music College with a major in piano, and has since spent much time here in New York City as a special research member sent by the japanese department of culture during which timeshe lead several workshop / programs on the stage music productions and performances at New York Actors and for Opera studies Programs of the Juliiard school, while studying stage and theater management. She has also taught as an intructor at colleges.