”玉”アメリカ人の反応 | トシ・カプチーノ。 オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba



It was my first time seeing a show at The Miller Theater. I went to see this show without any expectation or clue of what it is about, and I brought along my husband and 2 young children (ages 4 and 8). In the beginning of the show, a group of topless Japanese men wrapped with white cloth on their waist and bottom, I said to myself (is this going to be a PG13 show??). Shocking to me, I started to love the fast beat of the drum rhythm, and impressed by the super organized team work by the drummers. When the female dancers came on the stage, I fell in love their Japanese costumes, makeups, and most importantly (again) it was the well-organized dancing and rhyme throughout their performance. My eyes popped open when the dancers threw their dancing sticks (like passing the baton) onto the air, and caught by the dancers across the stage; it was simply amazing. The female dances also impressed me with their great smiles throughout their performances and outfits changes every few minutes. It was quite entertaining. I didn’t expect such a great and fast beat show, my legs were stopping on the floor following their music beat the entire show. My children were wide awake, and enjoyed the 1.5hr show as much as I do. I say this is definitely great for all ages.

Sylvia Ang
Representative, Licensed Salesperson

The Taiko Drumming group this year was again a treat for our eyes and ears. Although I happen to love Taiko from a much younger age, I really enjoyed this groups performance because it was a perfect mix of visual and audio stimulation. My husband and I both couldn't stop talking about how beautiful the costumes were and how talented the dancers were. My husband who is new to Taiko emphasized how invigorating the sounds were and how he felt strengthened by the power of this instrument. This performance was a real treat and I look forward to their next visit.

Thank you again.

The Good

The Tamagawa University Taiko Dance Group performance at Columbia University. Japanese drumming is an amazing visual performance, if you are into drumming; this is a venue for you, your kids, and the entire family. It is an inexpensive show that will please everyone, no risks here.
In the spirit of yo-yo ma, a performance characterized with precision, and coordination, for what Japanese theatre artists are so well known for.Like sushi, you can have Japanese Drumming over and over, and it will never cause indigestion. A sure fun thing to do in the evening. Go, take your kids, girlfriends, wife, grandma, or business associates. A safe play and so much value, a total endorsement, a cultural outing.

The Bad

Boy boy boy, if you are not a fun of yo-yo ma, as I am, then you are certainly bound to skip this one. Monotone, literally, only drums, we have seen them before under another name, oh oh, sorry, it was a different company, but well they had the same old drums, yes they did. Been there, seen that, so many times, it is about to turn into a nightmare. The sophisticated theatre goer will bring a barf bag to this one. Skip it. Don't use my namo...ok

We had a great time last night watching the Japanese drumming! 2nd year, same excitement, the girl drumming was a surprise, amazing! Also, girl dances are funny. There were more energy when the guys doing drums. Thank you so much!

Best regards,

The Tamagawa taiko and dance group at Columbia University took me by surprise. This was my first experience watching a professional taiko group. I have tried playing the drums in the past and I know just how fun it can be. The performers were extremely dedicated to their performance. It was very touching to see one of the drummers express his thanks and gratefulness on behalf of his taiko group. The show started and immediately drew me in. The beating of the drums overwhelmed me and the sound engulfed the entire theatre. I did not realize how loud the drums could get especially when played in unison. Throughout the night I would see other performances that were new to me. The traditional dances were pretty and really reflected the joyous nature of the music. It was so much about peace and daily life while the taiko drummers brought out the ferocity of the people. Each performer, as I could see, was fully engrossed in what they were doing. Everyone was having so much fun. You could see it on their faces, in their smiles as well as in their movements. Their form was very good. I have seen students play taiko drums and their stance was off or they just weren’t putting enough effort into it. But, of course, the Tamagawa taiko group succeeded in drawing everyone into the performance. As for the dancing, I really loved the Gunjoh-odori piece. I found it extremely festive and fun. What I love about the performances was the fact that it expressed their society so well especially in the olden times when life was about honor and family, about making a living as fishermen or as farmers. Each dance was about nature and life. It was sweet to see the cherry blossoms fall at the end of the show and how all the performers gathered on stage to perform a festive goodbye to the audience. It really lightened up the mood after the overwhelming loud taiko drums!

I want to thank you for giving the opportunity to me and my son Jonathan to see The Taiko group again. They were extraordinary !. The spirit, talent, and good-will shone through each and every one of the performers. Meeting the young people who gave it their all , as we all left was electifying.
Thank you again.

The performance was amazingly great!
The group was energetic, enthusiastic in introducing elements of Japanese culture to everyone with powerful drum performances.
We liked the modern modification of traditional Japanese cultural dances performed with modern music. This year, the performers of Japanese cultural dances in stunning costumes performed with rhythmic beauty flawlessly on stage.
Thank you and have a great day!

I want to learn how to play the drums J The show was fabulous, especially the drumming. It was synchronized perfectly. The dancers were very sweet but would prefer to have seen the dancers participate in the drumming with the guys and visa versa. I liked how they were able mix traditional dance with contemporary dance. I liked the way they greeted us at the door after the show.

Thanks for the tix.

Lucia Leon
Sr. Benefits/Communications Administrator
Human Resources

Who would have thought that drumming can be so entertaining?

My kids loved the show! I did notice a few younger kids (4-5 years old) who took a nap 1 hour into it so not sure if its good for younger than 6 years old. Then again it could have been due to the 8pm start. The show was 1 hour and 30 mins with no intermission. It was nice to experience another cultures music. The costumes were beautifully done. The talent those performers have is magnificent! Well done production. My daughter compared the dancers to the Radio City Rockettes in their unison of line formation. The audience loved them. They got a standing ovation. We also enjoyed meeting the cast as we were exiting. Got to say a few japanese words my 6 year old taught me. Definitely would recommend.



We really enjoyed the seasonal timing of the show. While the female kimonos’ were lovely and the dancing was enjoyable to watch, it was, not unexpectedly, the drummers who stole the show. Their costumes were striking, their playing precise. while the female dancers were harmonious and pleasant to watch, the passionate intensity of the drummers was quite powerful. We loved that each drummer was so expressive in both facial features and often body stance, it allowed some individual personality to come through- even when the female drummers performed, their expressions were animated and excited. We thought they did a great job, even though they were obviously a young group of performers, and they reminded us of a Japanese pop act, in their youth and freshness. Also, quite touching, was the way they lined the stairs to greet and thank everyone who left.