Pandora Enamel Beads roadshow. The lines began | topuloey@outlook.comのブログ



Antiques roadshow bath assembly rooms Antiques roadshow bath assembly rooms The historic assembly rooms in bath were today transformed into an aladdin's cave as people from throughout the country came to have their treasures featured on bbc's antiques Pandora Enamel Beads roadshow. The lines began at 7.45am, Full of ordinary members of the general public hoping that items from their attics could have a secret history or surprising value. The manager of bathampton dentist surgery the talbot clinic was eager to disconver more about a sir william russell flint painting which belonged to her boss. Fiona sultana thought: Pandora Beads: "The previous owner of the painting had kept it as a pension fund in a vault in the past 38 years.So it hasn't seen the sunshine of day for all that time. "My boss tony talbot now owns it and got it when it came up for auction.This is one of three pictures that he owns, but basically the largest. "The people at the reception homepage were originally planning to pursue a lalique 18 carat gold and ivory cane that i have bought as well, because painting was all wrapped up.It was only when i was unwrapping it in the queue that someone walked past and thought it was quite interesting. "We have no idea how much it is worth but wanted to read more about it, The programme's speaker, fiona bruce, said she always enjoyed talking to people about their finds. She claimed: "There is a lot of it that i enjoy.For much of my work i do things in an office and i don't get a chance to go on trips, but this i do. "I love chatting to people and finding out what they've brought along.The best bit is the reception which is our first glance at what people have brought and i get to meet everybody and see all their things wrapped in newspaper, She added that the show's very simple format was the key to its success over 32 series. She replied: "If you find a better format in television then that is good.The relieve of the programme is the key to its success. "In my view it is also the mix of social history, where individuals learn about items and their past, and the concept that any one of us could have something at home which is either interesting historically or is worth a bob or two, One bath family struck gold with a john lawlor victorian figurine of an almost nude woman that was valued at around 10, 000. Older binoculars expert eric knowles said: "I have an undeserved reputation on this programme of dealing just how naked women, but it is usually because they know they are in safe hands. "I specialise in victorian pieces and this was obviously a fabulous object that had been in the gentleman's family for several years, Via day the queues continued to form, full of people clutching valuables that they wanted to show off. Most people were seeking an expert's opinion on the history of their items, because it had been passed down from family. Moira rudolf, out of bath, took along a framed painting that her parents bought 40 years back from an antiques shop in yorkshire. She proclaimed: "I'm not sure much about it, but i think it's eastern eu.My mum left it to me after she kicked the bucket in 2001, and i thought it would be worth carrying today, Maggie williams, with keynsham, had an asian framed fan, which had been transferred from her grandfather. She claims: "I'm afraid i know almost nothing, but i are fond of it, Kate haywood of bristol had with her a jewelled bracelet that's handed down from her great grandmother when she was just 16. Pru erdozains, by wiltshire, arrived at 10am to get more concerning a painting belonging to her mother. She told me: "It is a landscape painting but we do not know very much about it.It was an attic find which we have had restored and we wanted for more information, David gorvin had travelled up from dorset to study more about his collection of paintings. She announced: "Sanctioned drawing by ft jane, who wrote the jane's fights ships books.I also involve some of his personal effects and letters. "It was all down in a house near bournemouth and my father bought them in dealer.I inherited them recently when my father passed away and i wanted someone to take a look at them all,