今日のボヤキ 3/18



  • そもそも異常気象って何?







  • どんな”異常”が起きるのか





  • 異常気象に関するデータや研究





  • 今後の予想





  • 自分たちが行う準備








English edition 


Today's blurbs 3/18

What is abnormal weather?
Abnormal weather refers to the occurrence of unusual weather phenomena. The causes are largely related to global warming and climate change. These phenomena are caused by greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.
The major component of greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is released in large quantities through human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These gases are believed to retain heat that is retained in the atmosphere, causing global warming. As a result, climate patterns are changing, increasing the likelihood of extreme weather events.
The current state of extreme weather includes a wide variety of phenomena. Examples include prolonged high and low temperatures, torrential rains and droughts, typhoons and tornadoes, floods and wildfires. These phenomena are expected to become more severe as global warming progresses.
Extreme weather events can have serious effects on ecosystems, including humans, animals, and plants. In addition, crop yields and quality may decline, resulting in food shortages and price hikes. To address these issues, it is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What kind of "anomalies" occur?
Extreme weather events can vary from region to region, but here are some specific examples
Prolonged high temperatures
Prolonged high temperatures can cause health problems such as heat stroke and dehydration. They can also cause food shortages and price hikes due to lower crop yields. For example, in 2018, Japan and other countries experienced prolonged heat waves that caused many people to suffer heat stroke and reduced crop yields.
∙ Torrential rains and flooding
Heavy rains and floods can cause rivers to overflow and cause landslides, flooding homes and roads, loss of land, and loss of life. 2018 saw torrential rains in western Japan, mainly in Japan, resulting in landslides, overflowing rivers, and flooding in many areas.
Droughts can adversely affect crop growth and negatively impact food production. In 2019, India experienced a prolonged drought that led to severe food shortages.
...Storms and typhoons.
Storms and typhoons cause high wind speeds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, which can damage homes and vessels, cause power outages, disrupt traffic, and endanger lives. 2018 saw a number of typhoons, particularly in the Philippines, causing damage in many areas.

Data and Research on Extreme Weather
There are numerous data and studies on extreme weather events, some of which are listed below.
∙ IPCC Fifth Report (2013)
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its fifth report in 2013, which summarizes the latest scientific findings on climate change. The report details the increase in extreme weather events caused by global warming.
...WMO's Report (2019)
In a report released in 2019, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) summarized data on weather and climate-related extreme events over the past decade and noted an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.
...National Geographic article (2021)
The National Geographic article provides specific examples of extreme weather events caused by climate change that are occurring around the world. The article also includes opinions from meteorologists and environmental scientists, and discusses the issue of extreme weather from a scientific standpoint.
...Papers from the American Meteorological Society (2018)
In the American Meteorological Society paper, meteorological observations show that the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events caused by global warming are increasing. It also explains the impact of extreme weather events on human life and society.

Future Projections
As climate change progresses, extreme weather events are expected to occur in the future. Specifically, the following are expected to occur
Heat waves and droughts with prolonged hot and dry conditions
Floods and landslides caused by heavy rains and typhoons
Severe tornadoes and hurricanes
Inundation or reduction of coastal areas due to sea level rise
However, how extreme weather events occur varies by region and season. In addition, weather forecasts are not always accurate, and extreme weather events may occur unexpectedly. To be better prepared for extreme weather than ever before, it is important to track scientific information and take appropriate measures in each region.

Preparations we make
Humanity's preparations for climate change are underway, but stronger and more sustained efforts are needed. The following are examples of climate change preparedness actions that humanity can take
Reduce greenhouse gases
One of the most important measures is to reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. This requires the use of renewable energy, the promotion of energy conservation, and the development of policy frameworks such as emissions trading.
Preparing for natural disasters
Preparing for natural disasters is necessary because climate change is expected to increase the number of abnormal weather events. Specifically, appropriate evacuation plans, disaster drills, and the development of disaster prevention facilities are necessary.
Secure food and water.
When abnormal weather occurs, crop production may decrease and water shortages may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to promote sustainable agriculture, water resource management, and water conservation.
Health Concerns
Health hazards are expected to increase due to extreme weather conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take health-conscious measures such as countermeasures against heat stroke and infectious diseases.
As described above, humanity's preparations for climate change are multi-pronged and require sustained efforts.