Absolute Tomoching!


After the Mass I was praying for my friend in the underground of St. Ignatius, at the catacomb. On the wall by the stairs we can see these beautiful stained glasses.


Absolute Tomoching!
$Absolute Tomoching!$Absolute Tomoching!
Absolute Tomoching!
Absolute Tomoching!Absolute Tomoching!


This place is the catacomb (the charnel) located in a downstairs room of St. Igunatius Church.

Absolute Tomoching!
Absolute Tomoching!

今日はどなたかのお骨納めの日だったようです。Today I saw a small black box which is filled with human bones and a photo on the table... probably a catholich family had the ceremony for putting the ashes to rest at the St. Ignatius Church.

Absolute Tomoching!Absolute Tomoching!
Absolute Tomoching!Absolute Tomoching!

On the wall there are little boxes to put the bones... And our father Klaus Luhmer (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Luhmer) is also sleeping in this charnel since last March 2011.


Absolute Tomoching!

(An article regarding father Klaus Luhmer: http://ameblo.jp/tomoching2/entry-10611958187.html#main)

Absolute Tomoching!

At this Bible Class held on Saturday I met my friend Yayoi who was baptized by him on the Christmas in 2007. He gave her the Catholich name "Rosvita" or something... thus her nickname is now "Rosi." I am so grateful for her kindness that she often gives me some nice comment for my articles.

Absolute Tomoching!Absolute Tomoching!