I'm considering terminating my contract with J:COM. Over the past few years, my TV watching time has significantly decreased.

Now, the only things I never miss are the Sunday morning Kamen Rider and Sentai series, and the Ultraman series that airs every summer for about half a year.  

Oh, and there's wrestling too.

Other than that, I don't even watch the news.

"People of a certain age..." I might be criticized like that. Indeed, I am of a certain age. Though I won't reveal how old.

Sometimes, when my smartphone is charging and I can't use it, I turn on the TV to check the weather forecast through the data broadcast.

Today, when I turned it on, the channel was set to BS Japannext, and they were airing "Panel Quiz Attack 25."

I didn't know. They were still doing it. It's nostalgic.

It's been about two years since the end of its terrestrial broadcast.

Memories of watching it with my family as a child came flooding back.

Back then, if I knew the answer to a question, I would shout it out loud. Not that my parents would praise me for getting it right, but I still felt a sense of superiority over them.

Both of my parents are no longer in this world, and there's no one else at home today. I'm alone. Yet, even though no one is around, I found myself shouting out the answers.

TV and the family living room used to acknowledge each other's existence.

But I wonder how long that living room, and this society, can be maintained, as anxiety crosses my mind.

When I fiddle with my smartphone, I see the words "Taiwan crisis" more often, and it makes me anxious. 

Of course, it's not just Taiwan. Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East...

Perhaps because of that, the grand prize was not a trip abroad but a "luxurious cruise around Japan.

"Maybe war is already standing at the end of the hallway.

But more importantly, what should I do about J:COM?---