I watched "The Second.

"It's an event where seasoned manzai comedians,

 with over 16 years of experience, 

vie for their art in hopes of winning ten million yen.

I've already forgotten who was there,

but they were all amusing.

Today's manzai is notable for its prominent use of foreshadowing.

"Was that earlier line meant to set up this one?

"I marvel at it, feeling my brain's intellectual regions stimulated.

It elevates the level.

But at the same time, 

I can't help but feel a bit burdened.

Old comedy used to make you laugh from the gut.

"It's so funny it hurts," or "it makes your stomach twist,"were common expressions.

It didn't tire out the brain.

Not that I believe the old comedy was entirely better than today's.

Speaking of which, 

even expressions of anger used the gut.

"Getting mad," or "boiling with rage,"were phrases used.

"Feeling disgusted" was another.

Disgust refers to gastric juice. 

It's another expression related to the gut.

And as time progresses,

 anger moves upward in the body.

"Getting irritated" comes from the chest.And "snapping" refers to what?

 The blood vessels in the brain.

Both anger and laughter are moving upward.

It's an intriguing phenomenon.

Manzai seems to be on the rise now, 

but if it were to decline, 

perhaps it would be because everyone grows weary of this high level. 

Yet, it will likely rebound and rise again,but now that it has moved from the gut to the head, where will it go in the future?