
「オリンポスの神々と7人の英雄 消えた英雄」上下二冊(シリーズ第1巻目)(原題名「The Lost Hero」)です。



パーシーが行方不明!? 記憶をなくした少年ジェイソンの正体は? 大人気「パーシー・ジャクソン」シリーズの新たな冒険がはじまる! 
「パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々」の第2シーズンがスタート! 海の神ポセイドンと人間のあいだに生まれた“ハーフ"の少年パーシーがオリンポスの神々を、そして世界を救い、ハーフ訓練所に平和をもたらしたのもつかの間、そのパーシー・ジャクソンが行方不明に!? 一方、記憶をなくした少年ジェイソンと、パイパー、リオの3人が訓練所に加わった。ジェイソンの正体は? そしてパーシーの行方は!?









上 384ページ

下 388ページ

計 772ページ













Today, I am introducing "The Lost Hero" ("The Heroes of Olympus" book 1) by Rick Riordan.




Jason has a problem.
He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper, and a best friend named Leo. They’re all students at a boarding school for “bad kids.” What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly?
Piper has a secret.
Her father has been missing for three days, ever since she had that terrifying nightmare about his being in trouble. Piper doesn’t understand her dream, or why her boyfriend suddenly doesn’t recognize her. When a freak storm hits during the school trip, unleashing strange creatures and whisking her, Jason, and Leo away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood, she has a feeling she’s going to find out.
Leo has a way with tools.
When he sees his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, filled with power tools and machine parts, he feels right at home. But there’s weird stuff, too—like the curse everyone keeps talking about, and some camper who's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist that each of them—including Leo—is related to a god. Does this have anything to do with Jason's amnesia, or the fact that Leo keeps seeing ghosts?






Grade 6 to 12

TOEIC 440~

487 pages



Not made into a movie.



I suggest you read the 5 series of "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" first before you read this book. The story is a continued version after "Percy Jackson and the Olympians", therefore it will be easier to read if you know what happened to all the characters. 


