(originally posted on 2018-09-15 | 23:48:22)

When I called 5

A pentagram appeared in front of me.
And "5" begins to speak.
  Giving words,

  Applying magic,

  They are the same thing.


  When you express in words,

  It covers like a veil,

  and reacting cells are switched on.


  So words are magic.
  People are already wizards.

  They live with the power of the words.
  They are attracting.
  It has become a phenomenon.
"What are the words?"
  Words are conscious

He showed me the vision after saying.

Black spiral tunnel.
If I dive deep in a biaxial tunnel
An unseen organ appeared
Dark. Scary. A little creepy.
Black. Something is moving.
Something is coming out.
I wonder where are these things in the body???
Oh, no, this is not the figure itself,
Here is also coated...

I noticed that it was coated,
so I call 3 and 4.
I ask for "break the coating"
then the coating go away.
The coating is broken
Flame is lit.
Light fills this room.
Light shines from the front to the left and right
Light illuminates the room all at once.
At that time, Toto also appeared.
  This is the language room.  Toto says.
Waves or light like waves drifts.
Because the floor is still coated

when 3 and  still destroys and burns with flames

it shines like a crystal.
Reflected, the light on the ceiling reflected
Increasing light.
Then I saw a new tunnel under the floor.
This time light tunnel.
A dazzling tunnel of light.
I dive all the way,
I arrived at the next room.
On the floor, something like a bed mat 

with a good white and transparent fluffy quality uneven 

is moving
The figure of 5 changes from black to white.
White fluffy
Become the children of light
When I announce a word
Light moves around the body.

I see. The word is a switch that moves myself.
It's not something to give other people.
It's something to give myself.
I hear the most of my words.
And it works best for me.
And the frequency of the word changes its cells

and collects the same wave around. 
In the center of the light room
Something like a pyramid-shaped glass chamber appeared.
"5" says.

The words you say here will be true.
Well, what words do you use?

It will be true right away when you use words here,

That makes me to use the word carefully and carefully with high quality.