(originally posted on 2018-09-15 | 01:00:11)


"4, please come out!"
I screamed then,
a box was prepared in front of me.
It's not 

Unopened box.
It tries not to open by itself.
it seems like that.
I was conscious it for a long time,
4 came out from the box.
Was it there?
He starts talking.
  Burn your life.
  Your life is not burning.
  Your life has not been lit since you were a child.


  Then, let me ask you.

  Why do not you light a fire?

  Ask to yourself.

  Why do not you light a fire? 

  Did you forget it?
  Is there insufficient firepower?


  It's all the driving force.

  Will to live.
  Will to connect.
  Will not give up.
  Willingness to go.
  Driving force.

  The power to start moving.
  You can also bring from the sun.
  All the energy of the sun is there.
  Burn your body with sunlight.


  Not only from above
  Burn from below.
  Both energy flows are necessary.

  Using energy from the earth
  as a conductor
  Light up with solar energy

  As if you was a candle,
  Melt the lie that you thought you were of now


  It's wax, so it won't burn.

When everything was burned, I became the same as 4.
The body is light. Just light.
  The vessel that lives in three dimensions
  and the light that is its original life are too close together.
  This is the reason why you forget who you are.

"The crystal ball is burning"
  That is okay.
  Because there was membrane, burn it all up.

There is a curtain on the crystal ball, it burns and burns,
The crystal ball emits light like a flame. Very strong.

  Look down below.
Blue light below. . . Blue flame
  The colors of the upper and lower pyramids are different.
  This is Yin Yang's shape.
  Flow of light color seen in 3 above
  Black to Red → Orange → Yellow → Green → Dark blue → Blue → Purple → Black

  There is everything in the body.
  And that is also the Master of 7.

  There are 9 people of 7 colors and white and black.


  It's your role to put it all together.
  You aren't burning enough for capacity.
  Walk more. Move. Burn.

  Take action, the burning energy ahead of that action goes to the next 5.
  Rotate all colors
  It is necessary to let light there.

  Because that is the mechanism of creation.
  It's a black hole that puts elements into it.
  And then through that color wheel from the white hole

  What comes out is concrete.

  Do the burning work.
  The pyramid is life and death
  The contact point is in color rotation.

Accelerated rotation
It is important to run with the same energy from above and below.

Investigate the three primary colors of light.
Learn the mechanism.