(originally posted on 2018-09-14 | 10:34:16)


- Call 3 -
"Why is 3 said negative?"
  3 is also dark
  3 is also a shadow
  And 3 is also a shade
  3 is also a black hole

  To take it as negative, fear, anxiety
  Though it is emotion ...
  Well, experience for the time being

Enter a black hole.
Everything is a dark world. A little scary.
Then a little light can be seen in the distance.
  Sight seeing light by entering here
  You can  see the light only from here.

  Once you enter here, you can recognize that there is light.
  For that purpose, it is necessary to know the darkness.

  Urge to go to the light,
  State before the dynamic
  Exciting, thrilling it,
  It will also be born from these 3
  Saying negative may be a little different.
  This is a tunnel of vortex to accelerate and accelerate before moving.

  This world is said to be three-dimensional, there is 3.
  The world of Yin Yang, the world of matter, and the world of 3D
  There are also 3.
  It is necessary to pass 3 to enter this world.
  That is the role of 3
  You already have the experience of going to light from a black hole.
  Already done.

  Let's go see the fetus in the mother's womb.

Go to see the fetus.
  Do you think this is darkness?
  Here is red.
  It's red, not black.


  What you thought was black was red condensed and turned black.

  Blue will condense and become black.

  It's nice to entrust yourself here
  In the mother's womb.
  The darkness here is red, not black.

  Aiming for light through a dark tunnel called the mother's birth canel
  Born in this world.
  You have already experienced 3 but have already forgotten
  All people have already experienced.

  There is no Black color
  That is the "meaning" that there is no light.

  There is no White color
  That is the "meaning" that there is full of light.

  There is no "no", there is "no".
  Both are necessary.

  You are still too biased towards finite.
  So change everything from finite to infinite.


  Know that everything is elementary particles.
  Look at that elementary particle while there is nothing between light and light.


  Then expand it all, align the boundaries
  between the spaces, melt them,
  and experience that everything is the same.

Sleep on a bed
White shining transparent people carry me steadily. 
  You are a desk, a house, a park, a wind, water, the sun, a planet, a galaxy and 
  Finite and infinite.


  Know that all the forest elephants are in you.
  You are just picking up the event.
  It is not outside but what is happening inside,
  Know at the same time that.


  You're watching it on the screen,
  watching it on the screen,
  and watching it on the screen.

  All are frames.
  Since you are watching the sequence of frames, you can only see the flow of time.

  Rather than make the present from the past
  There is only a frame at this moment.
  There are already frames.

  But you create at the same time.
  The screen you are looking at now,
  that is light.
  The first light of the origin.


"By the way, I also saw the dance image which I saw in meditation on a real video site.

What is that? And I saw it from a different angle than the video."

  That is your blood.
  The bloody dynamism looked like a dance through your filter.

  The dance you actually saw in the video is to let you know that

   you are connected to the outside.


  The connection between what you see and the reality
  Once again knowing what you saw is appearing in this world,
  I know what you imagine is a reality.

  You must know that you are creating that imagination.

  What you create, let's release the finite for its creation

  Grab training to become infinite with 3.

  It gives you the power to create.


  The word "Please cooperate" is not enough.