(originally posted on 2018-09-11 | 17:03:40)

I'm Toma who often says "I quit Ameblo" but still here.
I decided to quit Ameble and stop writing last year.
However the file deirector Mr. Makita said early this year,
"You should write a sentence."

From the genius in unmerology, Okami-chan, gave me a message saying
"Please continue writing."
From Roy Goya, a Psychic in Maui, give a message  
"You are told to keep writing the story,"
Mr. Kamiki, who deciphered Emerald Tablete in Kagoshima, said;
 "Write a sentence and create a story." 
With thanks for the messages someone bring to me,
Finally I gave up.
First time I was told to do that,
"I had already decided to create a sound (instead of write a sentence)"
so I was depressed in vain, but the dejection is not needed.
The words "It will be useful for someone" encouraged me,
so I start to write.

So, please read only if you are interested. 
It is just part of the stories.
I hope it help to start your story.
It seems to be a hint of something future.
If you are a strange person, please keep in touch.