#12 Lemon Garlic Oil

For one dish V

4 tbsp Extra-virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Lemon
1 clove Garlic

$Tokyo Trash Cooking

Stir garlic in olive oil about few minutes.

$Tokyo Trash Cooking

Squeeze the lemon into the olive oil and stir with garlic. Add some salt for the taste.

$Tokyo Trash Cooking

Perfect dressing for Carpaccio (beef and fish) or grilled fish.

#12 レモンガーリックオイル

一皿分 V

4 テーブルスプーン エクストラヴァージン オリーブオイル
1/2 レモン

1 かけ にんにく

$Tokyo Trash Cooking


$Tokyo Trash Cooking

オリーブオイルにレモンを絞り入れ、 にんにくと共にさらにかき回す。塩で味を整える。

$Tokyo Trash Cooking

Tokyo Trash Cooking

#11 Vichyssoise

For 4

2 Potatoes
1 Small Onion
1 Cup of Cream
1 Cup of Chicken Soup
Salt and Pepper
Italian Parsley (Flat Leaf Parsley)

Cut potatoes and onion diced. Boil potatoes and onion with chicken soup until soften up. Add salt and pepper. Puree in a blender or food processor until very smooth. Add cream and cool in the refrigerator. Sprinkle Italian parsley before you serve.

One of the famous soup an American creation in 20 century.

#11 ヴィシソワーズ


じゃがいも 2
たまねぎ(小さいもの) 1
生クリーム 1カップ
チキンスープ 1カップ

