Happy Father's Day! | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★

Hi everyone! Yuiko here爆笑
Rainy season has officially began. Hope we all get to enjoy this season with a joyful heat❤️
At the previous Tokyo Mums Event, we celebrated the Father's Day together!

We started off with the Fun English Time! A beautiful mum friend from Australia lead the lesson for usラブ


After that, one of our mums shared her personal story to do with her parents in law. For some reasons there was a gap between them, and the gap seemed getting worse than better as time went by. But one day she had a revelation, that if it was God in this situation, He would keep showing love no matter what! So that's what she started to do, be more active in showing love to them! Slowly she started to experience the change in their relationship, and now they are a lot closer!
Love does make a difference. Her story inspired me to be more active in leaning on God's love!


We then made a Father's Day craft together! A necktie shape card with the message for our daddiesラブ



Next Tokyo Mums Event will be on the 13th July! More info will be announced here soon❤️