Jan Event: Language Exchange!! | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★

We had a great time at Tokyo Mums this week! It was our Language Exchange special event爆  笑

1月の東京ママズイベントも大盛り上がり!今回はLanguage Exchangeと題して、英語や日本語で楽しくおしゃべりしました爆  笑

First, the children and babies got to experience some Aussie culture with Toni Senseiハート We learnt about Native Australian animals and sung a funny song about a laughing Kookaburra!



Lyrics are below:
むらさき音符Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Merry, merry King of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra laugh
Kookaburra gay your life must be!

むらさき音符ワライカワセミさん 木にとまったよ

彼こそ この木の偉大な王さま


毎日 楽しく過ごしてる


Next we read a book about a Wombat's birthday and learnt some funny things Aussies say and eat "down under."!


After a short break we got together in small groups and Miwa gave us some great topics and questions to talk aboutラブ

ちょこっと休憩をはさんで、次はいよいよLanguage Exchange!アメリカ育ちのママ・Miwaが楽しいお題を用意してくれましたラブ

We shared about what we did to celebrate the new year, what traditions were special to us and also what we were hoping for 2017キラキラ



Time went so fast and we made lots of new friends as well meeting up with mums we hadn't seen in a long time!ラブ Some mums went to TGIF afterwards to have lunch together. It was a fun day for everyone!爆笑


Our next event is February 16th! We hope you'll be able to join usハート
