2016年最初のTokyo Mums❤ First Tokyo Mums in 2016 | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★
Hi everyone! Yuiko here. 2016 has began! We will have lots of fun activities at tokyo mums this year so do look forward to it
Our first event was held on 14th Jan, and lots of mums and kids gathered It was exciting to see  many new mums too


We started off with our favorite English Time
Toni, our beautiful Aussie mum and also a very gifted English teacher, took the lesson for us Today's Theme was "Colours". Counting different colours, and also calling out the names of colours of the rainbow... all the kids were so interested


Both the story time and the music time involve actions, so even the smaller kids didn't have any time to get bored!


The next is... today's main event
Singer-songwriter Sayulee's special live She usually sings on TV and stuff, so to have her sing for us in such close distance was a total privilege She was born in Japan and raised in NZ. Her voice is so powerful yet tender, melts in our hearts beyond generations or cultures


そして、Sayulee 自身の「幸せのカタチ」の見つけ方もシェアしてくれました。
I personally felt touched by a song called "The shape of Happiness".
This song was inspired by a true story of one of her fans -He has two daughters who were born with severe illness. Despite the difficulties he was going through, he discovered his way of finding happiness in life.
Sayulee also shared her way of finding happiness in life too.

Believe it or not, she said she used to be a real negative person without much of a self-esteem (Now she is a woman of warmth and friendliness I tell you!!) But after the encounter with God, her life was changed. Slowly graduating from her negative mindset, she began to see the world from a new perspective. Then one day she had a revelation, that even in the most difficult situations in life,  you can still find happiness if you have a right heart-attitude.
For example, even if you were super rich and healthy, if you saw your life negatively, you may not feel happy. But even if you had a major illness, if you were able to see your life from positive perspective, you may find different shapes of happiness everywhere!
Sayulee said that as she feeds herself the word of God daily, she is able to find lots of happiness in daily life And I think that is absolutely BEAUTIFUL I want to live my life that way too

この楽曲はこちらでご覧いただけます You can listen to this song from here:
Sayuleeのオフィシャルページはこちらです Sayulee's official website is:
そしてそして!「幸せのカタチ」含む彼女の最新アルバムはこちらでゲットできますAnd also you can get her latest album which includes the song shared above:


Did you know that it's possible for ANYONE to achieve the same positive perspective as Sayulee's? The place where you can hear the word of God is CHURCH!
Lifehouse Tokyo International Church, which Tokyo Mums is ran by, holds services at Belle Salle Roppongi every Sunday They also have high quality kids programs so the whole family can enjoy
Let's start 2016 with positive perspectives and achieve lots of different shapes of happiness in life

Lifehouse Tokyo Official Page:

Next Tokyo Mums event is on the 4th February (THU)!
It's going to be a Valentine's Day Special program, and you may have a chance to hear the keys for making your married life more love-love So please pencil it in